Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Word of the Day #17

Cue the dancing penguins......

Today's word......

The last week has felt like a month! I have had the cold from hell that will not go away. I have about 30 projects started, and only 3 of them done. My house looks like some sort of bomb went off. Just general chaos.

My goal today is to get my place looking as if some sort of civilized, self-respecting beings actually live here. (They don't really, but that's the look I'm going for). I've noticed when I don't post my plans for random interwebz stalkers to read, I don't get anything accomplished.

My Christmas hasn't even started yet. The great exchange takes place this Friday, when I'll finally have all my children here at the same time, which is a little bit of  blessing, gives me a few more days to finish up some straggling projects.

Well, as I'm not getting anything accomplished here, I better motor.

I will try to get back on later, post some pics of the few projects I've gotten done, regale you with stories of how wonderful my place looks finally, etc. etc.

Till then...

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I'm still here, really.

I am so very far behind on everything I must do before Christmas (giftmas, yule, winter solstice, whatever...) gets here I may never catch up!

I am determined to get my decorations done today, yadda yadda yadda.

Just wanted to let my interwebz stalkers know I haven't been eaten by rabid badgers or anything.

I am putting the children to work today (2/3 have been home from school all week with the plague, we did get to the doctor(s) yesterday to get excuses, they will be banished back to school Monday, woot!) and we should be good!

I finally got my hands on a drill so I can finish my tv dresser. And no, D never remembered to bring one home from the garage, D's Mom came to the rescue (in exchange for me fixing 3 computers). The painting of the dresser will have to wait till after the festivities, I do however have some fabric I can hide it with for now!

I would be alot further along on gifts if I wasn't so damned obsessive compulsive. I cannot tell you how many things I have gotten half-done and then proceeded to rip apart as I wasn't happy with them. At this very moment I'm considering replacing The Boy's hat with a cuter one. (I'm picturing ear flaps ala Elmer Fudd) Argh..... damned interwebz and all the cool things I must make!

Mini-Me is not helping any with that department as she keeps finding amigurumi patterns she wants and points them out to me. (Apparently she needs a David Tennant or she will just die, really) My biggest mistake last week was signing up for an account at Ravelry!! As if I need any more distractions!! Remind me later to show you the Monster Bag I crocheted on a whim! (I could fit a smallish child/largish dog into it!)

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! There's birds in my attic!! I just heard them!!!  I walked past the bathroom and heard them through the vent. I am now picturing scenes from 'The Birds' when I go up there to get the decorations. Is this a sign that I should not decorate this year???

I'm going to go mainline some more coffee and deliberate.

Wish me luck..

Till then...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Poor Sad Chicken....

Sometimes I hate the internet....

I've been on a knitting binge, trying to get Yule presents done, and I was taking a look at a few patterns for ideas and I ran across Amigurumi. Yes, I am now obsessed.

According to Wikipedia:

Amigurumi (編みぐるみ?, lit. knitted stuffed toy) is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. The word is derived from a combination of the Japanese words ami, meaning crocheted or knitted, and nuigurumi, meaning stuffed doll. Amigurumi are typically animals, but can include artistic renderings or inanimate objects endowed with anthropomorphic features.

So, first thing this morning, I attempted one. He took a few hours to do, I was surprised at how easy it way. However, I think its quite obviously a first attempt. One of my nieces loves chickens so I made this with her in mind, she is more than likely getting the second attempt though!

Mini-me has named him Cygnus and he's sad because he has no feet.   
All things considered, I have deemed him not too shabby. I have never crocheted before this morning. I could do a chain, sure, but I never actually crocheted before.

So, the next two weeks will consist of crocheting cuties in the am, housework in the afternoon and knitting at night. I should have everything done by 2 days before the big one!

Till then...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Word of the Day #16

No drumroll today.

 Today's word is  Nyquil.....

I have some bizarre combination of ear ache, head cold and stomach flu. I have found that while it's probably not advisable, one can take nyquil and pepto bismol at the same time.

I still haven't got my tv dresser done yet as I'm still waiting for the drill... Although, I have found that the remote still works when the dvd player is behind the tv, it's just a bit dodgy getting the disc changed.

I managed to finish Mini-Me's afghan:

It ended up being 5 feet by 5 feet. I use 4 strands of yarn on size 35 needles. I could probably knock one out in a day if I did nothing else. Usually it takes me 3 or 4 nights to finish one (luckily this one was already started!). 

I also managed to make The Boy a hat this afternoon (my first ever!). In all actuality it started out as a scarf, then I decided it was too wide and turned it into a hat. The coolest hat ever if I do say so myself! Against Mini-Me's advice I added a tassel to it. He is going to get a matching scarf with it! I'll get pics up as soon as I get the scarf done.

I'm off to be miserable. 

Till then...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Word of the Day #15

Happy Sunday interwebz!!
              Today's word (wait for it......)
                 (wewt! revel! rejoice!)

The best laid plans.....  I'm sure you know how it goes, or you would if you had my attention span.

Once again what started out as one project has somehow snowballed into 5. The tiny dresser from the closet is going to work wonderfully for the tv and such, however I'm waiting (still waiting....) for the drill that is actually capable of drilling to make its way here from the garage (D is supposed to bring it home, we'll see).  

The big dresser will not work in the bedroom, no way, no how. As I hang most of my clothes anyway, I've given up my dresser for D and decided to redo my closet. I figure a shelf, some of those fabric storage bin/basket things will work perfectly (as of right now I'm using the everything shoved into laundry basket system, this project has been shoved down to number 5). I had considered putting the big dresser in the middle room, for fabric (and now yarn, we'll get to that) storage. I don't like it there, it doesn't work. I'm taking that bad boy back up to the attic.

Of course, this means the middle room is torn up, again. Reorganization is one of today's themes.

As I was in the attic, bringing the monster down to begin with, I came across the 4 cubic tons of yarn that I have and thought....  oooooo afghans! I should make a couple, there's one I started! So rather than bring the decorations down as I planned, I instead brought the yarn down. I knit, kinda. Ok, it is real knitting, but I use needles approximately the size of wooden stakes (if I'm ever attacked by a vampire while knitting, I'm good). I use 4 strands of yarn at a time and make cheater afghans. There very warm and I like the look of them, and it only takes 2 or 3 days to knock out an afghan. (The purple one is halfway done!) I'm hoping to get atleast 5 done by Yule.

Of course, there is still the matter of bringing out the decorations. After I take the monster dresser back upstairs, after I reorganize the middle room, after I get the purple afghan done, but before I do my closet.

I think I better get started.....

Till then...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Entertainment Center Revisited... (Updated)

There was the project that turned into what I like to call "The Media Center from Hell Disaster". I shouldn't complain, I did learn that while I lurve playing with power tools, I should not attempt building things from scratch right now. I don't have all the tools I need, nor the space to try. (Botched attempt is banished to the basement where it serves as half-assed shelves.

I have a dresser in the attic that is not currently in use. Right now we have a third dresser stashed in the closet for D's long johns, sweatshirts and the such. If I can figure out how to rearrange the bedroom to accommodate the dresser in the attic then I can swipe the closet dresser and convert it to a tv stand type thing. The dresser in the attic is too tall for the tv, I don't want that stuck in the movie theater first row neck pain every time I try to watch tv, and too big to stash in the closet.

I'm thinking of mish-mashing the original idea and the dresser conversion thing. It's just crazy enough to work. (Or I'm just crazy enough to think it'll work, whichever)

On a side note, I'm beginning to love the rearranged living room. It's amazing how just moving things around a bit make such a difference. I'm off to scheme. Look for pictures or rants, depending on how it turns out!

Till then...

It's gonna work!!! Not the way I originally planned, things have snowballed like you would not believe. 3, possibly 4 rooms are being affected, this is going to be a weekend ordeal!!!  And, as an unbelievable bonus, I get my closet back!!!  Wewt!!  I'm off to do cartwheels and get busy!

Till then, again....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Frustration... The Winter Edition

Good morning Boys & Girls, or something like that.

I've been rolling around in plastic, double-sided tape and weatherstripping goo. On the positive side, it's just a tidge warmer in my place. I've still got a  few windows to do, but I have run out of plastic and motivation.

I managed to clean and rearrange my living room while I had the furniture pulled out. It's not fantastic, but it's livable. My kitchen is clean (until I make dinner, that is) and the middle room is getting there. Today's my day to get the place more than the usual I wouldn't be embarrassed if someone came in clean. Tomorrow the holiday decorations come down and then it's chaos until I figure out where everything should go.

It is impossible to put my tree in this living room, so it always ends up in the corner of the middle room, just on the other side of the living room. I'm going to be honest with you, I have not decorated for Yule for the last two years, I have just been in such a funk about it. This year is going to be different. I will be festive, and jolly, and get into the holiday spirit.

I'm not sure what's with me today, I'm very sleeping-bear-who-has-just-been-poked-repeatedly-with-a-pointy-stick. Although, I'm getting stuff done, so I shouldn't complain.

I'll be pretty busy the next couple of days, but I'm sure I'll be back with holiday-decorating fiasco stories, and maybe pictures if you're lucky!

Till then...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thirty Random Things About Me (or I'm a Sheepie)

So, one of the blogs I follow started one of these so I figured, what the hell. These are always fun, even if they make you think a bit too much. Anyhoo, here we go....

1. I'm terrified of clowns, creepy bastards that they are. Even Ronald McDonald sends me into a full body shiver. I don't know why, I was never traumatized at an early age by one or anything. They're just creepy. (You can also add mimes, bats, republicans, Glenn Beck, Fox News, and fundies to that list.)

2. I cry, too much. About the stupidest things. Most current example I can think of is I was rereading The Deathly Hallows (for probably the 27th time), and it had gotten to the part where Dobby dies. I'm sitting up in bed, tears streaming down my face and in walks D who looks at me, rolls his eyes and says "You're at the part where Dobby dies, aren't you?" (I was one of the sheepies who HAD to buy Deathly Hallows at midnight, sat up in bed reading the whole book in one night, woke D up with my sobbing the first time through). It's a bit pathetic some times.

3. I'm just a tidge obsessive. I get an idea in my head, something I want to do, or learn etc, and I can't concentrate on anything else until I've got it done. I have been known to forgo sleep to get something done. I am an odd bird.

4. I'm a pyromaniac, but not in the scary way. Candles, oil lamps, incense, warmth, I crave them. Mini-me, on the other hand has an unhealthy fear of flames. (Her sister once set her hair on fire trying to light a candle when they were 2 & 3, was a tidge scary). I have entirely too many (in Mini-me's estimation) candles and such scattered throughout the apartment. Hanging candles, candles on tables, candles on shelves, candles on walls, floating candles, the list goes on and on....  The less electric lights that are on, and the more candles that are lit, the happier I am. (That is until Mini-me follows behind me, blowing out all my candles....argh)

5. I prefer to eat soup out of a mug, not a bowl. When I was little and sick, my Mom used to give us soup in a mug (so we could hold it by the handle while we were lying on the couch). It still makes me feel better. On a side note, I also prefer to have parmesan cheese in my chicken soup. Trust me, it’s good.

6. I love the show Supernatural! Have to watch it every week, I’ll watch it online if I’ve missed Friday’s episode. Contrary to Mini-me’s opinion, it’s not because I’m in love with Jensen Ackles, (not that he’s not a cutie) but because of the riveting story lines and the fact that I’m in love with Misha Collins. (Seriously, check out his Twitter, he’s freakin’ hilarious!!!)

7. I also watch Destination Truth religiously. I love the scenery, the humor and I'm crushing on Josh Gates a bit, I think it's the Kermit voice thing he's got going on.

8. Listening to my Ipod on shuffle is an extremely disturbing activity, it should not be done. By all means, put a playlist on shuffle but not the whole thing. I once made that mistake and ended up with:
  • Rob Zombie
  • Brad Paisley
  • Loreena McKennit
  • Bobby Darin
  • Bagpipes
  • some japanese song I could not identify
  • Led Zeppelin
  • That annoying 'I like to move it, move it' song
  • more Rob Zombie
  • Hinder
I went back to a playlist after that.

 9. I hate shoes, socks, any sort of foot covering at all. It would make me immensely happy to never cover my feet again, ever.

10. I'm not partial to bras either. My happiest days are the ones where the big three are avoided (shoes, bras & make-up!)

11. I hate doing my hair. I prefer long, straight, tucked behind my ears. Keep your hair dryers, curling irons, etc. etc. I don't even like pulling it back into a pony tail (gives me the worst headaches).

12. I'm incredibly insecure. I hate that, and I try not to be, but it still manages to rear it's ugly head from time to time. I'm working on it though.

13. I make jokes at the most inappropriate times. When the stress gets to me, or I don't know how to deal with something I make jokes. More often than not it goes ok, every once in a while it backfires.

14. I have inadvertently started a war on facebook with my bff. It started with her posting "Brand New Key" on my page, couldn't get it out of my head all day, so I countered with "MMMBop" (yes, I sunk to Hansen). I cringe to think what could be on my page next....

15. I love to cook. I absolutely adore it, baking, roasting, etc. etc. etc. My only problem is I pick so much while I'm doing these things that when its time to eat, I'm too full to eat with everyone else!

16. I'm a very undisciplined housekeeper. I'll be good for awhile, the OCD in me demands lists. Can't accomplish much without a list. After a while I'll take a day off, things go to hell and it takes me weeks to catch up. Another thing I'm working on.

17. I'm terrified of dead mice (not that fond of the living ones either). One afternoon we walked in, Jabba had gotten one and left it in the middle of the middle room for us (how sweet). I screamed like a girl and Mini-me ended up taking care of it for me. To this day they still laugh about that.

18. I have IBS and I hate it! I refuse to take the medication, so I suffer through the flare-ups. I can pretty much keep it manageable with diet, but stress kills it. I went almost a year with no flares, but this month has pretty much killed me. 

19. I will read the same books over and over and over. There are a few books (and series of books) that I have to reread constantly. These include: Clive Barker's Imajica, Harry Potter (all 7), LOTR + The Hobbit, The Fifth Sacred Thing & Walking To Mercury (by Starhawk, unbelievably beautiful books!), MZB's Avalon series (Mists of, Lady of, Priestess of, Forest House etc. etc.)  

20. I talk to myself, alot. It tends to annoy the people around me, but hey, that's me. Sometimes I even argue....  Occasionally I can pass it off as talking to the cats, but everyone's on to me. I'm not just talking about mumbling a few things under my breath, I'm talking about very animated, very passionate conversations. (And that's one step closer to the straight jacket for me!)

21. I must be very boring as I'm struggling to find 10 more things.....

22. My favorite charity of the moment is.... Random Acts   Stolen directly from their FAQs:
On December 3, 2009, Misha Collins, who currently portrays the angel Castiel on Supernatural, used Twitter to ask his followers (affectionately termed “minions”) to come up with ideas for a “minionstimulus” project. The goal was to obtain U.S. government stimulus money (funding to aid endeavors to stop an economic recession) for non-profit “minion” initiatives.
The pursuit of government funding was soon abandoned in favor of morphing into a privately organized charity group, formerly known as MinionStimulus. After visiting our fledgling website, Misha appointed Lisa Walker his Director of Charitable Affairs and provided her with some initial direction. Together, Misha and Lisa began marshaling the forces of good at their disposal.
Since that auspicious beginning, our organization has gone through several changes, including our name. We’ve come a long way and now have non-profit status through our parent organization, The Art Department, Inc. With Misha and Lisa’s direction and leadership, and the daily attention of an extraordinary administrative team, we have an organization poised to conquer the world, one random act of kindness at a time.

23. Alot of people think I'm mean, standoffish or just plain scary. In all actuality, I'm not. I believe I mentioned insecure earlier, if I am not comfortable I tend to withdraw and come across as mean. I don't mean to, its not intentional. Believe me, if I don't like you, you will know.

24. I have a twisted sense of humor, very twisted, sometimes bordering on illegal, and most definitely usually in poor taste.

25. I can't honestly believe that anyone would want to know this much about me. I don't even want to know this much about me.

26. My favorite word of the moment is 'stabbity'.

27. I'm a sucker for back rubs.

28. When I yell, I sound like my mother, and that terrifies me....

29. I name things, inanimate things, animate things, I don't care if you already have a name, I will more than likely nickname you and never call you by any other.

30. I will watch all 24 hours of A Christmas Story when TBS runs it, even though I own the dvd, and only put it in when I'm decorating for the holidays!

Finally, done. So, if you are so obliged, be a sheepie like me and do this yourself, post it on your blog, your facebook, wherever. Randomly email it to strangers. Have fun with it!!

Till then....

Word of the Day #14

Today's word............
                   (ah, I'll celebrate later.....)

It's cold, it's snowing (supposedly lake effect snow later today.... for you lucky creatures who don't live here in the Great Lakes region, when the cold cold wind blows over the still warm lake, it picks up water and such and dumps it ceremoniously as TOO MUCH SNOW! Think of it as a snowstorm on steroids, with roid-rage), I'm so not human today, blah, blah, blah.

Enough complaining. 2/3 of the kids are home, so that's a good thing. It's a loud thing, but still good. I have lists and lists of things I want to accomplish, I'm just lacking the motivation to get moving and do them. I think it's a good day to plan. If I light enough candles, I can pretend it's a fireplace and just stay here on couch, curled up in blankets, and just visualize what I want done.

Of course, I won't. Kids need fed, kitchen needs tidied, laundry needs folded, the list goes on and on. One more mug of Chai and I'm moving, really, I promise....

On the creative side, I was recently given 6, 5 small glass bowls (very very delicate, accidentally knock one on the floor and it shatters) I'm turning into little holiday candle holders this afternoon. If I get to it, I'll put them on here tonight.

Till then....

Monday, November 29, 2010

More Randoms

I don't know how your mornings are going, but I am loving Quiet Morning #2. I've been up since 6am reveling in the peace. It's a little odd, but I'm enjoying.

I got a little caught up yesterday. My fortune-telling abilities are seriously in question though. D came home about 15 minutes after I got the living room & bedroom done, and what does he do????? Takes over my kitchen. I was in the middle of finishing dishes, had about 15 other small projects I wanted to do and in he walks.  (and for the record... beef jerky ties up the oven for HOURS!)

The kitchen is roughly the size of a largish shoe box, so one person in there pretty much fills it up. Needless to say, I will be spending a chunk of today in there, getting my stuff done. I will give him credit, he spent the afternoon making beef jerky and cleaned up after himself!! You don't understand the thrill that gives me! Some women crave roses, candy, jewels, cars, all I want is to walk into the kitchen and not be able to tell that someone just cooked something.

So, after I finish my kitchen I've got a whole list of things I want to tackle today this week.
  • Shelves in The Boy's Lair. Space is at a minimum in there and something has to be done. Especially since Hostage Kitty lives here now and still is at odds with the Grumpy Old Men. (She did venture out of the living room yesterday, she spent an hour on my bed till she hissed at Bulimic Kitty and then straight back to the lair. Woke up this morning to her sleeping on my laptop. Go figure.) While I thought she was a temporary hostage, we decided to keep her litter box & food in the Lair, well, it's shaping up to be not so temporary so rearranging must be done! I have the wood to make shelves, I've just got to get the brackets to hang them up. Two 15x30 shelves should be sufficient to get the toys off the floor. Then it's just a matter of hanging some more camo and rearranging the lights and it should look sufficiently cool. 
  • Organizing the basement. It's horrid down there, absolutely horrid. Picture mid 14th century dungeon and then add clutter. I also have to get better lighting down there if I'm going to keep painting. On a positive note, the disaster that was going to be the Media Center from Hell will serve as suitable organizational stuffs!
  • Start bringing down the Yule decorations. There are years of accumulation there, I'm considering cleaning out the collection. I have a problem throwing sentimental stuff out, there is stuff in there I will never hang again, but I have a hard time letting go of things, even when I know I should, especially when it's importance is in my heart, not in its function.
  • Organizing the attic. Venturing up there to snag the decorations will lead to organizing the attic. The attic is slightly more organized then the basement, but not by much!
  • Start the holiday baking. Okay, definitely not today, but I'm doing the whole week now.....
  • Rearrange the middle room to accommodate the tree. That's a whole day of frustration....
  • Sew, sew, sew and maybe a bit more sewing....
  • That should be enough, maybe, kinda sorta....
I'm sure that list will be tweaked a couple of hundred times. I'm off to take advantage of no distractions!!

Till then...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Word of the Day #13

I know it's been a few days but.....
     (singing, dancing, exultation of joy)
                              Today's word is.............
                                                                  Peace (as in ...and Quiet)
                                                               (spin, dance, jump, woo-hoo)

For the first time in what feels likes weeks, but I'm sure is actually days, I am alone. I am lounging on the couch, enjoying my coffee, surveying the damage, savoring the quiet. The tv is actually on something I want to watch, I do not hear a single video game, computer game, an I'm Bored, what can I do? or any usual noise associated with the wee ones. And I have 48 hours of it!!

As far as today goes, I'm not sure how long I have D out of the way. My battle plans today include damage control. Fortune teller that I am, I foresee either the living room or the bedroom being taken over when he comes home from tearing apart whatever piece of machinery had the sheer audacity to dare break down the day before the first day of deer.(That most revered holiday in D's life, forget Xmas, Turkey Day, anything else. It's all about walking around in the woods.) Those are at the top of my must-do list today. I get them out of the way, I'm free and clear on the rest of the list.

All the little things (and a few big things) that slipped through the cracks the last week will be attended to. I love it when everyone is here, more than anything, I'm just excited that I have this little bit of time to get everything taken care of, alone.

A constant theme in this blog is how small this place is. Everyone is in everyone's face constantly, and especially when it's vacation, and bedtimes become a bit lax, and it's the holiday's and we're going there, or people are coming here, things get neglected, pushed off till later and I can't stand it!!!! I need this time to catch up and maybe, just maybe get ahead a little!

Yesterday was wonderful, spent the afternoon at my brothers, played with the kids, visited with OLCCS (I wish she lived closer!!! I miss her sooooooo bad!!) There was, of course, the usual shrill, high-pitched screeching (and not the babies, the grown-ups. We're primarily Italian, German, Irish & Native American, that's a NASTY combination for tempers and such), that's what makes it the holidays (or a Tuesday, doesn't matter). But it's family. And more than anything I love my family.

Today however, I'm on a mission, and without the usual distractions I'm getting it done.

So, without further adieu.....

Till then....


Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day After....

We survived Turkey Day, barely. I really fail to see how a day spent entirely in the kitchen, hours upon hours of prep for about 20 minutes of eating and then hours upon hours of putting stuff away, washing, cleaning, etc is a holiday. It's my own fault though. We get invites to go elsewhere, my family's, D's family's, friends, and I usually opt to stay home and torture myself. (This year's pumpkin pie, or as I call it, "that sliver I put underneath my mountain of generic whipped cream" was put in the oven minutes after the rolls came out!)

After years of going here and going there for dinner, I just crave to stay home and do my own thing. One of my favorite Turkey Day traditions is the constant playing of Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant in my kitchen. This is a rather newish tradition, I only started doing it about 4 years ago, but it's not Turkey Day without it now. For the next month I'll be singing it under my breath, every once in awhile excepting Alice will slip out and I'll get odder than normal looks!

I do have to learn to let go sometimes though. I get that drill sergeant mentality, barking, yelling, then I start that, you're not doing it right, I'll just do it, get out thing and I have to stop that, really. Baby steps though, baby steps....

This year's new thing, and let's hope this doesn't become tradition, was the Migraine From Hell. By the time all was said and done, and I took my Father home, I was in bed, sleeping by 6:15 pm. Dishes be damned, that's what GirlChilds#1&2 are for (pans are still soaking). Today I'm containing the leftover disaster, trying to find some semblance of habitability and getting ready to visit family. 

My first attempts at vegetarian cuisine were moderately successful, however I will never roast the turkey empty again. I don't know what possessed me to not stuff it, but that was a one-time-only event. Mini-me loved the meatless stuffing, so that was a bonus.

Other than the migraine & the mess, it was a pretty good day. I love having my entire family together, I would put up with any headache for that.

Off to continue damage control, wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Pre-Turkey Day!!

It's that time again. Run-Around-Like-An-Idiot-Wednesday! That time of year when one tries to get a jump on Turkey Day, only to find out (a) you've forgotten 3/4 of what you wanted to do and (b) the 1/4 you accomplished only made things worse.

Okay, maybe it's not that bad. After the day I had yesterday I'm expecting the worst. I'm about 78% human today and hopefully I can make up for not doing a single thing yesterday (if you looked at my kitchen, it would look like 5 days). Of course, I'm not working right now so I imagine things will go a little smoother than previous years.

As of right now I'm trying to get some caffeine in my body, hopefully I'll be somewhat functional soon. I have one last minute trip to the grocery store, gotta get pies started (I've reconsidered and I'm only making two), gotta make veggie broth, wanna get my veggies chopped, negotiate world peace, finish my coffee table (still in basement, argh), hang Mini-Me's curtains, and about 30 other semi-impossible things.

I'm gonna go get more caffeine (maybe some sort of IV drip would work better) and get started. Wish me luck!!!

Till then...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Word of the Day #12

da duh da duh da duh.....

Today's word is.....
           (hails of derisive laughter!!)

Thanksgiving break starts today. The midgets have early dismissal and they are off school till Tuesday the 30th. (Here in scenic Pennsyltucky, the first day of deer season is a state-wide observed holiday). So, this vacation is more theirs than mine.

I have made plans to get very little done, the best laid plans are always thrown askew by my midgets. Don't get me wrong, I love having them home. They are fun, in a twisted need-valium sort of way. GirlChild#1will not arrive until TurkeyDay morning, and then they are all going off with their male-parent on Friday evening, and the weekend will be mine! (Oh the plans I have)

I did decide to paint the coffee table now. It's in the basement, with the first coat drying. After the 'evil-kitties-must-declare-first-scratch' incident with the two end-tables, this one is staying in the basement atleast two days before I bring it up here for the clawed masses. Seriously, Bast forbid I have a table without a claw mark. Argh. They're looking more like tiny little rugs every day.

I have re-nicknamed Camo Hostage Kitty, I think it's more fitting, and catchier.

I should go referee, I hear the midgets, they're getting twitchy. I miss the days when I could dose them with benadryl. (hee hee)

Till then...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Word of the Day #11

Cue the dancing penguins.......

               Today's word(s) is (are)   Caught Up!!!
                                           (confetti....it's a parade!)
Over the last two days I have managed to:
  • Clean my kitchen
  • (Almost) organized my middle room
  • Cleaned my living room and got rid of one dvd shelf
  • (almost) cleaned my bathroom 
  • organized my TurkeyDay foodage
  • sew a festive type tablecloth for my coffee/dining table
  • make new pillows for Mini-Me
  • steal a cat (I think I posted about that already, she's doing great!)
  • paint 2 tables & touch up a third, all are back where they belong
  • make dinners
  • not drink the entire gallon of blackberry merlot in the fridge (maybe half but not all)
  • spray paint the hanging basket I scored at a junk store
  • rant rave and plot impending doom (I love how the holidays bring out the crazier in already crazy peeps)
  • avoid jail
  • got out of my Mom's house in record time (60 minutes FTW!!)
  • played with a circular saw
  • discovered I have NO business messing around with carpentry

I almost don't know what to do with myself!!  I have a short list of things to grab at the grocery store for Turkey Day, I have my list ready of things to do, things to bake and when. (Exactly why am I baking 4 pies for 6 people?) Which brings me to......

Any Veggie People out there?????  This is Mini-Me's first meat free Turkey Day. Gravy?????  How would gravy made from veggie broth taste?  Should I try, anyone have any suggestions??  For the record... she's not vegan, for what it's worth.

I have my lists, my plans, my plots. I'm debating whether or not to paint my coffee table (last remaining thing in living room to be painted) now or wait till after Turkey Day.

My plans for Thursday involve keeping everyone out of my too small kitchen and having dinner in the living room. I made cute tablecloths for my coffee table and trays. (My Dad will be happy on the couch anyway!) I really think I can pull this off. The kids (and me) love sitting on the floor cushions anyway so why fight it. I'll take lots of pics and post 'em, whether it worked or it's a fiasco! (Cross your various appendages!)

Well, I'm off to get into some sort of trouble!

Till then!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shameless Post to Win A Giveaway

So, I'm browsing through the 470 or so blogs I'm following, and Of Peacocks And Paisleys has a giveaway for a chance at a $45 gift card at CSN. I have fallen in love with so many items, it's not funny. One of the entries is blogging about it, and since there are so many must-haves, and not so many moneys-in-bank, I'm going for it!

So, suffer through my wish-list, and if you must, buy me stuff. It's ok, really.

Tea Light Holder - want want want!!! They also have it in straw, I can't decide which color I want. This hour, I'm leaning towards Straw!

I have a few Kwan Yins, I do not have a Sitting Kwan Yin yet. I need one, really.

Really horrible pic, but they have mouse over on the bigger, couldn't link it. Thousand Arm Kwan Yin Bamboo Blinds are beautiful! Another must!

There is tons more I want, on one hand I want to win the gift certificate, on the other, how broke am I going to go buying everything else on the website???

Uberfail #2

You should have seen me, it was inspiring. My long hair all crazyish, oh so stylishly attired in my fleece eeyore pants, my John Lennon shirt & my scary slippers. Circular saw screaming, cutting through boards and sending sawdust every possible place.

All for nothing.

My cute little cordless screwdriver thingie has NO BALLS. It's just not working. I'm frustrated, I did something to my lower back that is making me miss childbirth and I'm scrapping it.

This is what happens when I draw plans, it's a curse, a jinx, a disaster.

I will get my Media Center from Hell. Make no mistake about that. Just not today.

I have plans in mind. I'm not discussing them, I'm avoiding the jinx.

On the positive side, so far today I have:

  • put cute little sticky carpet squares in the entrance, looking tons better down there. 
  • painted 2 tables, touched up a third. All I have left is to stencil the bigger table & coat it
  • kidnapped a cat. I now have a 3rd kitty. My son's cat (from his Dad's house) is now cowering in fear underneath his bed. My ex travels alot and I hated to see him alone over there. So I kidnapped him. The grouchy old men aren't exactly thrilled right now, but they'll come around. She's a cutie, in the tradition of everything else around here, her blog name is CAMO, as she won't come out of the boy's lair. 
She looks like a Camo :)

I'm waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in, I'm sitting on a salt bag, I may move in about half an hour. I don't have to worry about dinner for the kids anytime soon as MiniMe made a pizza already.

I'm off to scheme.....

Till then...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Making My Living Room That Much Better

So, I'm drooling, I'm excited, I'm actually drawing plans! (I never do that!)

Right now my tv is on a sad little shelf thingie, which does not have enough room for all of our movies, games & the such. So in addition to the sad little shelf, I've got 2 other sad Family Dollar fabric bin shelves and a Family Dollar DVD rack that doesn't hold that many movies. I've never been happy with it, I've just gotten used to it.

The other day I checked out 101 Ways to Use Your First Sewing Machine of the library, there were some cute ideas in there. On page 146 she makes a "Media Center" out of a shelving unit and fabric. I LOVE IT!!!!  Of course, there is no premade shelving unit out there with the specs I want. Although, there is enough wood in my entranceway to make what I want!!

Hopefully, when all is said and done, I will have a very nice, compact "Media Center", as opposed to the jumble I have now.  After the stenciling experiment came out so well, I'm going to get some black Duck cloth to cover the sides and make "doors" (It looks good in the book, really!), and since I have roughly 50 empty beer boxes in my attic (once again, worked at a bar, not that much of a drunk), I'll use the duck cloth to make my own storage bins. I think I could make some pretty sturdy bins pretty easily. Bonus, I can stencil on them and make them look that much more me!
I'm only looking at roughly 4 yard of Duck Cloth (on sale for $7.49!) (Only 2 yards if I use something else for the storage bins!) In the book, she covers the back as well. I would like to leave the back open, with a PS3, a Wii, a dvd player and the tv I'd rather have the air circulation. (Also, that's less fabric I have to pay for! hehehe)

I have all the wood and screws. I have horribly drawn plans that are destined to go wrong. And (get your goosebumps ready), I have a circular saw!!! (You're just a little scared now, aren't ya??) I've got some black paint so it's not imperative to run out and get the cloth nowish (although I want to, so bad) Woohoo!!!  We're in business!  

If this actually works, I will be so frickin' happy! I have always wanted to be able to hide the tv, the game consoles, all that electronic crap. Wow, wish me luck! I want to start on this now! Imagine, one piece of furniture, replacing four!  My tiny living room just got a little bigger!

I'm also not breaking any of my new rules, as the wood was here already, I'm just rearranging it. The fabric bin shelves will work fantabulously in my sewing area (I can see it already!) and bathroom. The DVD rack is going to be tweaked (I have plans already, but one pipedream at a time please). The stand the tv is on now will be either attic to help organize or goodwill, haven't decided yet. 

Till then...

Word of the Day #10

Today's Word...... Relax

I have a hard time relaxing. Unless it is herbally or alcoholically induced, it's practically impossible. I feel like I'm in one of those old gangster movies, with the shoulders constantly twitching up and down.

I talked yesterday about making the homemade heating pads. They are wonderful. I will forever look like one of those old ladies, with the hideous fox stole on. I made one about 17 inches long and 5 inches wide, just perfect for draping over my shoulders. I get both shoulders and my neck perfectly. I can walk around and still do things (kinda). This is the most relaxed I've felt, without the fear of going to jail, in longer than I can remember!

I put it in the nukebox 30 minutes ago and it's still warmish. I, however, am not normal. I have a very high tolerance for heat (maybe it's cuz I'm a Leo, who knows?) so what is cool to me is still quite warm to 'average' peoples. I also try to remember to put a mug of water in there when I nuke, it seems to retain heat longer when I do that.

I haven't made a cover for it yet. Not sure what I want to use. The twisted part of me is considering tearing apart some horrible stuffed animal to make a faux stole. It'd make the kids laugh, bonus, I'd never have to worry about D stealing it!  Ah, who knows??

So remember, Relax.  It's humpday. I don't know how it is where you're at, it's in the 40's here (rather balmy for November in Dreary Erie), it's windy (I love windy, although some people whine about 35mph), it's rainy, it's uck,  all together a wonderful day for curling up, planning all sorts of stuff but not actually doing them!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I outlasted them!

They are sleeping. It's safe for me to go to bed. No need to summon help. At least I think Mini-Me is sleeping. Oh well, I'll chance it.

I managed to make 4 heating pads tonight. No perty outsides, I'll do that tomorrow. I made 2 regular with pockets, 2 eye pillows with a salt/lavender/chamomile blend (OLCCS gets one, she's a headachy chick) and one dreamish pillow type thing for me (salt, mugwort, rose petals & jasmine). Hopefully it's an interesting night.  (And yes, I can add, I count the 2 eye pillows as 1 because they're teeny!)

Tomorrow I'll make the rice bags, the perty outsides and take pics so I can bore you with them. Except for OLCCS's, she's gotta wait till Turkey Weekend to see! (Unless she asks, and of course I'll show her, I'm pathetic that way).

I'm off to bed. Cranked my salt bag in the nukebox for 4 minutes, I'm gonna see if I can get to sleep before it cools off!

Night all.

Till then...

Word of the Day #9

 (woot! flip! somersault! OW!)

We're off today. I have done absolutely nothing of merit.

I did however go visit a dear friend for awhile, caught up on some of the gossip from my ex-job (we divorced at the end of August. And trust me, this was more of a divorce than a career change.) Either way, it was very pleasant.

I spoke to OLCCS about 72 times. (Great big MWAH!!)

I layed in bed and watched Invader ZIM , oops, that should read Napped.

I read about making homemade heating pads. I'm going to make them too. More than likely tonight, after 1 more cup of coffee and I organize my kitchen & middle room.

I've got the muslin (for the liners), I've got perty scraps of fabric (for the case), I've got 5 pounds of uncooked regular rice and 2 boxes of kosher salt. I need one standard size one, 2 neck ones, and two largish ones. I also want to make sure I sew pockets on the inner bags for herb sachets as needed (definitely lavender, and others as needed.)

The only one I have right now is one of D's old tube socks stuffed with minute rice (you should not use minute rice, it is too dried out, gets too crunchy and potentially flamey). I was in a jam one night (double ear infection, when an emergency room prescribes you vicodin for an ear infection you know its bad!) and it was all I had on hand. Worked great.

brief window into reality......
Interrupting so you can know why I am terrified to get off the couch. Mini-me and The Boy are in the middle room, rolling on the floor, laughing so hard they can't stop, and just as one starts to stop, the other laughs harder, thus getting the other going.

I'm not exactly sure what started it, I believe Mini-Me startled The Boy which led to cries such as "You hit me in the face with the vacuum" and "Why aren't we recording this?" .

Welcome to my life.....

What was I talking about???  Oh, heating bags. Yeah, I'm making em. Just as soon as I'm comfortable enough to stop hiding. Wish me luck. If I stop updating this blog, please send help...

Till then...


Hi Mom! You are so talented, and pretty and bootiful!!  I love you!!! You are the most talented person I know.

Make me this!!!!!!!!!!

You can find the instructions here! And I am waaaaaaaay cooler than my brother, so don't let him steal it. 
I love you!!!!

Yes, I like Yoda. As far as my interests in movies and such go, I could have been a boy. Who was there opening day of Transformers??? This gurl :) Who has sat and watched all six Star Wars movies in one sitting. ME! Also did that with The Kevin Smith movies (Dogma just increased my love for Alan Rickman) and the LOTR trilogy (extended director's cut, has to be EDC). I want sci fi, horror, blood, guts, gore, maybe a little gratuitous nudity, definitely gratuitous sex. 

Ok, enough about that.

Till then...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Word of the Day #8

(confetti, jubilation, glee)

Today's word..........  Obsession!!
                 (do a little dance, make a little love)

That table turned out so nice I'm obsessed with getting the other tables in the living room done now, soon, TODAY,  YESTERDAY!!!!

I've got to cut out another stencil. I want some smaller lotus and some design thingie to go along with it. I can't describe it, but when I see it, I'll know. Of course, the table I did today replaces the one in the living room that is destined to be my nightstand.

It only goes to reason, if I'm doing the living room furniture, might as well throw the bedroom furniture in there. I'm doing practically the same thing.

Oh, and MAD PROPS to my Momma. During one of our marathon chats the other day she mentioned stenciling fabric. I never gave it a thought till I came up from the basement, looked at the giant black filing cabinet cover so I figure, why not???

I'm gonna throw some more on there.

Ok, off to see what (who) I can sell off to buy more paint!!

Till then...

The Day I Found A Use For My Hairdryer

I have two x chromosomes, so I own a hair dryer. I don't use it very often, atleast on my hair. Maybe 5 times total in the 4 years that I have owned it.

Remember that 49 cent end table I found at Sally's??
Yeah, that one. The one covered in frickin' contact paper???
HAHA, I won! With a spray bottle of vinegar and the aforementioned hair dryer, there is not a strip of contact paper left on it!!!!!

It's on my floor instead.
If I didn't hate that carpet so much,
I would be more careful about stuff
like this!
I spent about an hour previously picking and picking at it, getting a teensy frustrated. I was surfing the web, found the hint about the hair dryer and voila.... exposed laminate.

Damn. I hate laminate. I sanded the bejezzus out of it, took it to the basement and sprayed the hell out of it.

I'm poor and lazy, and thought I'd try out the spray paint from the dollar store. I figure, if I'm gonna guinea pig, it's going to be on the furniture that cost me less than two quarters. I didn't think it looked too bad after the first coat. My current coffee table has a similar finish to it. I'm excited about doing that next!
After 2 coats, not too bad :)
A few strategically placed blue lotus, some sealer and I'm happy :)

The shadows are bit weird. That's the basement for ya.
Woohoo, she'll be in my living room tonight!!!!

Till then...


So, blogger has this cute little thing where you can see where people are looking at your blog. Oddest place so far is The Netherlands, but that's girlchild#1's facebook buddy. That doesn't count.

Luxembourg???  Wow. I've got mad international stalkerz. Nice, I feel a bit accomplished and maybe a tad embarassed.

I may put that on a t-shirt!

Till then...

Six Days.....

The countdown begins!!

I have six days to get the abode presentable enough for The Girls.

My old standby, when I get in a funk, is to invite people to my house so I am properly shamed into getting stuff done.

About 8 years ago, the five of us would get together quite regularly (once a week), discuss things (ever see Practical Magic? It was kinda like Midnight Margaritas only without the ghost thing). Well, things happen, most of us lost touch (Not The Scot though, she & I are mad bestest sisters!!) and we went our separate ways.

A little while ago, four of us found each other on Facebook (oh that marvel of the digital age, but Damn It, I DON"T PLAY FARMVILLE. It's evil, it sucks you in), we checked out each others photos, chatted a tidge, but last night the fifth girl fell into place and WOOSH, we've got a reunion of sorts in the plan.

So, Saturday, my place, there will be wine, there will be laughing, maybe some crying, but if you are anywhere within a hundred or so miles of my place, and you're suddenly uncomfortable, but not sure why....  Well, that's probably us!

Luckily for D, he will be in the woods "hunting" (hmmmm. camp, guys, nearby bars. Every trip to camp consists of stories of The Oaks (not the trees, the bar, suitable name for a bar near hunting camps LOL)) He gets chills whenever The Scot and I get together, I'm not sure he's ready for all of us yet!

My Goals For This Week:

  • paint & stencil the tables in the living room.
  • one more floor cushion, maybe 4 more pillows for living room
  • six more mason jar luminaries for front steps (I have no lighting in entranceway/front steps)
  • decorations for wine glasses. I've never made wine glass charms, thought it'd be nice if everyone had a little sumfin sumfin to take home.
  • clean my place, twice
I'm excited!!!  Gonna go get started!!

Till then....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Word of the Day #7

Are you ready???
     Gonna scream, dance, jump around????

           Today's word......
                         Torture!!!!!!  (yay!)

Carry on. If you're wondering why Torture?

  1. It's fun.
  2. See previous post (It's Salmonella Sunday!)
Till then....

It's Salmonella Sunday!!

Woohoo, and a very happy Salmonella Sunday to all of you.

I have not eaten takeout since mid August. I've been a good girl, all healthy and domestic and stuffs. So, when D offers to order wings today I figured why not. It's Sunday, we've got football, we've got racing, I could get tons done by not having to make dinner or clean up afterwards.

Yeah, right. So, for now, I'm just babbling. Throwing some odd stuff out there for all the interwebz stalkers.

My Mother. She's an odd lady. Completely wonderful, but odd.

Mini-me is vegetarian. Not militant vegan, mind you,  just easing into the new lifestyle vegetarian. One day, early June she tells me she's vegetarian and BOOM, she stops eating meat. (That's the thing about Mini-Me, she's stubborn, principled and not the child I ever have to worry about peer pressure affecting)

As Turkey-Day is approaching, jokes are being made. I am already doing one turkey in the oven, one will be deep-fried, do I have to shape one entirely out of veggie patties for her?? (She's happy with stuffing, don't worry about her, bless her soul) My Mother's response is, she can eat Turkey, they're ugly, they don't count.

I'm almost afraid to throw that out on the web for all to see, some of the more fundie organizations have protested for less, and I do not want to start some horrible event in Podunk, NW PA all because my mother pointed out turkeys are ugly. (They really are, but that's not the point) I think I'm just trying to throw out there, my mother is really funny. Not in an Emo Phillips kinda way, (a girl can dream), but she's funny. She doesn't even try to be. I'd really like to fix her up with that Shit My Dad Says guy. Hey, she's Italian, cute, and has a mouth like you wouldn't believe when she wants to or loses it.

Ask BFF, she's been in a car with her. I learned, probably in utero, more English and Italian curse words than any one person has a right to know. My Mother can let loose a litany of filth that would make Andrew Dice Clay blush! (Remember her trying to back out of my Aunt's driveway.... Jes*s, G*d D*mn, M*ther F*cking, S*n of a B*tch, M*ther F*cking, sh*t sucking G*d D*mn Jumped Up Chr*st) Of course, immediately following such an 'outburst' she lapses back into the penitent catholic who would never have let such vulgarities fall from her mouth. It was kinda a Sybil thing. (I come by it honestly)

Oh, and the Italian. It's priceless. I can remember getting dish soap in my mouth at the age of 9 for repeating something my grandfather and mother said all the time. Apparently I had been saying the equivalent of 'F*ck You' for quite some time, never realized it. I thought I was showing off how intelligent and worldly I was by being bilingual. HA!

I'm pretty sure that's where I get my sense of humor, twisted as it is. (That and pretending to sleep while Grandma watched Benny Hill). 

So, there's a small peek into my background.  Splains lots, don't it???

Till then...

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I admit, it was driving me nuts. So, I slaved a little more on my sewing corner and I think I may actually be able to sleep now. I should probably add, I LOVE the remnant bin at Joann Fabrics.

Look on....

I'm still going to paint the furniture black, just not tonight! I found some velcro in my sewing stash so I went ahead and dressed up my junk. This particular piece of fabric is normally way out of my price range.


I even used up the little bit of black material that I had left over from the great tablecloth fiasco and covered the filing cabinet!

And, in the cleanish spot between the printer and the sewing shelf, I finally put out my meditation cushions!!!  Bonus, covered the breakfast in bed tray with a scarf and I've got a little meditation spot. I'm sure by tomorrow I will have moved it, but tonight it looks great!

I'm off to bed. Night all!

Till then...

Junk Drawer, still junky...

Ok, it's not as bad as it was, it's getting there.

I've still got some major organizing to do.

  • I need atleast 3 more sturdy lidded paper type boxes. I want to cover those and use for storage. All those plastic organizers you see under the printer stand are most of my beading stuff. I would like to stash those inside prettier boxes! 
  • Behind the printer stand is my plastic drawer thingie with fabric in it standing on top of a wood apple crate from Momma's summers of working at the fruit stand. I have candle holders stashed in the crate and baskets on top of all that. 
  • The school books are getting moved from the crates under the window. I will stash more pretty boxes of crap in there.
  • I scored one of those breakfast in bed trays a few years ago. As I never get breakfast in bed, I use it more for craft stuff. Gotta stash that somewhere more imaginative.
  • I like the sewing shelf sitting that way next to my sewing table. It almost gives it that cubicle feeling.
  • It's all getting painted black. Seriously. I can't stand that prefab wood look anymore. 
  • I'm debating curtains on the printer stand and sewing shelf. 
  • And for the record, I don't drink that much. I used to work at a bar and that's where most of my moving boxes came from. That really makes me look like a lush!

I'm sure I will change things around a thousand times, but atleast it's workablish now. I have come to the conclusion that this is not a room, but a glorified hall. With all the traffic this room gets, I don't see it turning out the way I want it. Oh well, that'll be the next place :)

I'm frazzled,  I'm outta here.

Till then...

This is why I love her...

There is a reason Fry BFF (I'm trying out new nicknames) is practically my soul mate! She is wonderful, this is why I love her.

After a smallish type rant on facebook about having too much stuff, she counters with George!!

You should probably know I worship Carlin. The man was one of the most brilliant, insightful, funny, minds of our time, and I think of him as much more than just a comedian. </gush>

And just as I'm as frustrated as I'm going to get, she has that innate way of making everything better. I am her Dougey (prounounced just like Doogie Howser, only I had the nickname first damn it) and I can rationalize anything for her, she is my BFF (?not sure if that's sticking) and she always makes me feel better. I like that. Everyone needs someone like that, and I am thankful that we have been friends for as long as we have (3rd grade in case anyone is interested, you do the math).

I love your face!!!

Till then....

Word of the Day #6

(cue the dancing girls, hit the lights)

Today's word is......
                           (confetti, jump, jive, wail)

Mini-Me's bed has to be put on hold till next Saturday. My wood guy is out of town hunting (luckily for the animals I believe that has more to do with drinking at camp rather than trotting the woods armed & ready) so I can't do it right until next week.

However, entertainment center #1 has been taken apart and stashed in the attic, and #2 has been moved into Mini-Me's dungeon (along with the tv & wii, I may never see her again!) I'm sure you are all intelligent enough to ascertain from yesterday's posts tantrums that I am having a bit of trouble arranging the junk drawer how I want it. It is such a mish mash of the unimaginable, I don't know where to start.

This is where I'm at now.....

Please ignore the clutter that came off of the entertainment stand, I am finding places for it and the giveaway boxes will be downstairs, by the door by tonight.

I will make this room work today. The panne, that didn't work out so well for covering furniture is about to become curtains. I'm debating cafe or panel right now. I'm leaning more towards panel, if I change my mind, I can always cut them into cafe. I am swapping things around, covering some stuff, pitching others. This room will be atleast 90% done by the time I go to bed. I am determined.

Cross your fingers, toes or whatever appendages you wish, I don't judge.

Till then.....

Twisted Wish List

Think Geek has the coolest stuff!!  I am taking the day off (so far, I may get motivated later, maybe), so I'm sitting here, in the quiet, perusing Think Geek and getting my wish list together!

 Garden Zombie  When I get a yard, this will be the first statue bought!!  I will name him Ralph and he will live under a shrub. I may buy him now and place him under random children's beds. Mini-Me would appreciate the humor, not sure how the other two would react. I will be sure to videotape it!

Horror Movie Shower Curtain & Bath Mat - needs no description. Funnier than hell!!

Don't Panic Towel - What self-respecting Douglas Adams fan would be found without one!!! If you have to ask why, you wouldn't get it.

Titanium Spork - I have had an unhealthy fascination with sporks for quite some time now. Don't ask why, I couldn't tell you. What started out as a joke in a Linux chatroom (yes, I was that big of a geek!) turned into a rabid obsession with the most majestic of kitchenware.

Ninjabread Men Cookie Cutters - What can I possibly say??? I must have them!!!

The Ex Knife Holder - ThinkGeek also has a matching pen holder!!

Sun and Moon Jars - I absolutely adore these!!!!  Solar cell, rechargable AA battery and a low energy LED light inside the frosted mason jar! How gorgeous would those be on a patio????

That's it for now. I think my caffeine may be kicking in!  Wish me luck!

Till then...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Reason #5654 to Strangle Your Children....

So, I'm gonna relax, kick back and watch a movie. Should be relatively painless, almost easy. Right???

Not in my house!

Turn on the dvd player to put in a movie and there's "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry"

Grab the case to put it away, open it up and there's "A Bronx Tale" in the C&L case.

Grab that case to put it away and find "Hancock"

And where's the Hancock case???

  In the basket where it belongs, Empty.

That was my head.....
The fruity topping on this absolutely craptastic day is.....

    I just had to go chase bulimic kitty because apparently it's not enough to yak cat food all over my place, we must jump on cupboards, knock things over, break things to get........ sub rolls. Yes, not a tasty meat piece, but a sub roll.

What with me being all against animal cruelty, would it be in poor taste to turn him into a rug? probably, maybe, hmmmmmm.

You should all know that when I go to prison later today, after the bell tower/high powered rifle incident I am envisioning right now, I would like Fry to take care of my kids.

I must not have left the house long enough.

Do they have internet in prison?  Will I be able to update my blog from there?  Facebook, maybe???  Here's hoping.

Till then......

Word of the Day #5

Boys, Girls, Others.....
          Today's Word?
                                 (woohoo, hop, spin, wewt!)

I just love that word, you can use it so many ways.....

     I'm pretty sure I can chew through that restraint.....
Ok, not the intended use today, but it rather fits.

Right now, the only look that fits for that
     I am showing great restraint by not setting fire to my junk room.

     I am showing immense restraint by not pitching random items out of my too-low windows.

     I am showing incredible restraint by leaving my abode before I do any serious damage.

I could give you a few other examples, but I don't want to leave any evidence in case a criminal investigation becomes necessary.

So, I bid you adieu, I am going any where else to clear my head. I might even come back, it's iffy though.

Love ya!

Till then...

Jump, Stomp, Wail, Cry

I hate my junk drawer room!!!  Let me show you:

This is what I'm dealing with. An L. An L-shaped room?!? I live in an upstairs apartment (or is it a flat because it's the whole floor? Ah, who cares). There is no way to arrange this room without it looking like garbage. The windows are only a foot off the floor. If they were higher, I wouldn't mind putting stuff in front of them, but with them that low, what can I do? I hate boxy, I hate this room!!!  I like fluid, curved, no corners, everything flowing into the other. I'm gonna have to play around. See how I can do this, but for the life of me I can't get it today!  Argh. Ok, I'm gonna go destroy something.

Till then...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Addition...

D's Mom has saved me yet again. I get a phone call yesterday, she has found an 'older singer' at a thrift store for $15.00, in a sewing table nonetheless. She snags it for me, I grab it today, and this is what I get:
1951 Centennial Model 128

Ain't she a beauty!!!  I don't know why, but I LOVE older sewing machines. I don't think I'd know what to do with a sewing machine that was made in the last 20 years. (I'm going to find out at tax time, maybe, I think, still flip flopping on that one).

She runs, I haven't tried her out yet, but D's Mom ran her at the store before she bought her and said the motor sounded fine. I'm waiting till I get Mini-Me home from school before I try her out.

Look at the bobbin!!!!!
I've never seen a bobbin like that!

D's Mom, wonder that she is, snagged all these feet too!  I've been looking them up on the interwebz to figure out what they are! (April 1930's - A Sewing Shoppe is a huge help!)

I can't wait to try her out. The sewing table is not as nice as the one I already have, I'll have to see if I can swap them out. Not sure if I want to do that. It is obviously not the original table, so it has been moved before. Ah, I'll let you know!

FWIW..... I've already named her, she is.....
                                 Godzilla!!!!   She looks like a Godzilla!

Till then......