Monday, February 28, 2011


Well, it took a few hours to get D out of the living room, then a few more hours to get what I wanted done(ish)!!  Mini-Me even helped, mostly by offering sarcastically helpful remarks and occasionally picking up things and moving them!!! But, we're done!!!

Couch, love seat & chair all covered, rugs in place, furniture moved back. So now it's lazy time!

Check out Hostage Kitty lurking...
Wouldn't you know it, not a single live AA battery to be found in my house.... even the ones in the remotes aren't charged enough to run my camera!!  Cell phone pic will have to suffice for tonight. I'm relatively happy, for now. Curtains need to be changed, pillows need to be recovered, I guess it wouldn't hurt to dust (hehehe). That can all wait, I'm enjoying my chair, chilling with netflix and loving the fact that Mini-Me is making me dinner! I'm off to enjoy!!

Till then....

The Gods Love Me!

My dryer died. I'm not even sure how old it is, as it was given to me, but after 5 1/2 years of faithful service the motor has finally given out. D & his Dad pulled it apart once, freed the bearings and she dried two more loads but alas, she has fizzled again. So today I bit the bullet and went out and bought a new dryer. Well, two actually....

I have decided I'm not going back to the machine, atleast not for awhile. I'm interested to see if I can stick with doing the laundry this way. Our first 'natural' load is D's work jeans, if we can make that work, this'll be cake!! 

Why do the Gods love me, you ask? I originally headed to Valu Home Center to buy my new dryers, go all through the store only to find out their laundry racks are not available at that store. Frick, frick frick! I'm so not in the mood to go traipsing around town, but on a whim I head to K-Mart, figuring I can run in and run out.

Joy of joys, on the way back from grabbing my new toys, smack dab in the middle of the walkway is a display of area rugs on sale!!!  $19.99 a piece! I found my new living room rugs!! I can't wait for D to get the hell out of my living room so I can put them in!!! They're dark blue/brown/tan stripey things, I think they'll look great!

While we're talking about the living room, I think I have finally amassed enough fleece to redo all the furniture. As bizarre as this sounds, I cleaned out the dollar stores clearance fleece blankets, it was the perfect shade of navy and only $2.40 a piece. Over 5 or 6 trips, buying 2 or 3 each time, I've got enough. I sewed the cushion covers for the love seat last night and they turned out better than I expected. I'm almost sure I have it figured out where the seams will go where they will not be noticed. Besides, for as much as I love throws and pillows and the such, they can be covered!

Well, I'm off to tear things apart, put them back together, all that fun stuff!!

Till then...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Word of the Day #18

(start the light show.....)
     Today's word is.......
        (random rejoicing, inappropriate dancing, carry on....)

Now that my place is more or less clean (I would be slightly embarrassed if you walked in right now, but it's bearable), it's time to touch up/change/revamp some things around here.

Pretty high up on the list is making new curtains for the middle room shelves, however sewing is not permitted right now according to Hostage Kitty:

You shall not pass (or get into your sewing boxes)
All of that black canvas I found for the Media Center From Hell is going to become embellishment for the shelves. I've got the stencil and paint out to throw on some lotus(es?) I'm pretty excited about that.  I should have enough left over to make a slipcover for the BRAND NEW SEWING MACHINE!!!!  (woohoo!!) Yes, I broke down and bought a new sewing machine. Tweety has gone back to live with D's sister. I have yet to name her, but it'll happen.

I've got a pile of lists going on here, To Clean, To Paint, To Sew, Must Do Today, it's rather geeky, but it helps. Tops today is getting my kitchen organized, the pantry is a mess, the fridge even worse. I'm pretty sure today is being devoted entirely to the kitchen and bath.

I better stop procrastinating and attend to my lists.....

Till then...