Friday, March 18, 2011

This Is Why I Have To Stop Reading Blogs.....

Today's MUST DO!!!!!

I so have to put a hold on all my blog reading. Here I am, wallowing through the lists of things I need to accomplish before next Saturday, I sit down to take a break , open up Google Reader and first post I see has these pictures...

And I start thinking, THE ATTIC!!!!   All that untapped living area!!!  Goddess knows I have the material, I have the furniture, I have the poles and such. Why can't I start small? MEDITATION 'ROOM'!!!

I can see it oh so perfectly in my head! The tent, the cushions, the lights, the candles. Want, want want!!

It is taking every bit of self control I have to not call off work today and start immediately!!!  I can't do it. I will go to work, make lots of money and then go completely crazy redoing my attic!!!

In my head the meditation room comes out beautifully and D completely lurves the idea and it's not a huge fight when I say, ever so slyly, 'Can't you just imagine our bedroom up here??'  And life is beautiful!

Ok, off to work. Have a great day!!!

Till then...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cosmic 2x4

Every once in a while the Powers That Be decide I'm not paying attention and that I need the equivalent of a 2x4 to the back of my head.  I am a firm believer in signs, there's always something behind a coincidence.

I'm not going to get into the whole long, sordid story. Hell, I wasn't even there for the original drama. All I know is somehow I got sucked into an argument that never should have happened in the first place and only through some sort of incomprehensible drunken logic am I involved now. Or rather, I am removing myself from it.

Either way, it affected me way more than it should have. When I found out what was going on this morning I was rather shaky, twitchy, ready to take my frustrations out on the first person who looked at me. I have been trying so hard lately not to get that way. I don't enjoy feeling that way, and I know no one around me likes it either. I'm rather proud of myself, rather than freakin' & geekin' and starting World War III, I limited myself to one text message, instructing villian #1 to leave me out of said situation and to lose my number.(So I may have thrown in a few choice curse words, but I was upset.)

Rather than pace my house like some sort of caged animal, I got out, ran my errands, and like I usually do when I'm upset I cruised the thrift stores. Now mind you, in all my years of frequenting thrift stores, I have never seen any sort of religious statuary other than the usual Christian ones and the occasional Kwan Yin (which I always scarf up). I'm wandering around, thinking marginally good thoughts and this little brightly colored fella catches my eye:

Ganesha!! Hindu deity, sometimes known as Remover of Obstacles, Lord of Beginnings, Lord of Obstacles, Deva of intellect and wisdom among other things.  (Go ahead, Google him, I am not that well versed in Hindu Theology, I had to when I got home!) I couldn't help but smile when I saw him.

I like to think that He's a sign I'm headed in the right direction. That the decisions I made today to cut certain emotional ties, while strengthening others is the best thing for me right now. That if I am to continue evolving myself into a healthier person, spiritually, emotionally and physically, then I am on the right path.

I can think of a hundred different cliches that I could put here, but I'm going to spare you. I'm off to evolve some more now.

Till then...