Monday, November 29, 2010

More Randoms

I don't know how your mornings are going, but I am loving Quiet Morning #2. I've been up since 6am reveling in the peace. It's a little odd, but I'm enjoying.

I got a little caught up yesterday. My fortune-telling abilities are seriously in question though. D came home about 15 minutes after I got the living room & bedroom done, and what does he do????? Takes over my kitchen. I was in the middle of finishing dishes, had about 15 other small projects I wanted to do and in he walks.  (and for the record... beef jerky ties up the oven for HOURS!)

The kitchen is roughly the size of a largish shoe box, so one person in there pretty much fills it up. Needless to say, I will be spending a chunk of today in there, getting my stuff done. I will give him credit, he spent the afternoon making beef jerky and cleaned up after himself!! You don't understand the thrill that gives me! Some women crave roses, candy, jewels, cars, all I want is to walk into the kitchen and not be able to tell that someone just cooked something.

So, after I finish my kitchen I've got a whole list of things I want to tackle today this week.
  • Shelves in The Boy's Lair. Space is at a minimum in there and something has to be done. Especially since Hostage Kitty lives here now and still is at odds with the Grumpy Old Men. (She did venture out of the living room yesterday, she spent an hour on my bed till she hissed at Bulimic Kitty and then straight back to the lair. Woke up this morning to her sleeping on my laptop. Go figure.) While I thought she was a temporary hostage, we decided to keep her litter box & food in the Lair, well, it's shaping up to be not so temporary so rearranging must be done! I have the wood to make shelves, I've just got to get the brackets to hang them up. Two 15x30 shelves should be sufficient to get the toys off the floor. Then it's just a matter of hanging some more camo and rearranging the lights and it should look sufficiently cool. 
  • Organizing the basement. It's horrid down there, absolutely horrid. Picture mid 14th century dungeon and then add clutter. I also have to get better lighting down there if I'm going to keep painting. On a positive note, the disaster that was going to be the Media Center from Hell will serve as suitable organizational stuffs!
  • Start bringing down the Yule decorations. There are years of accumulation there, I'm considering cleaning out the collection. I have a problem throwing sentimental stuff out, there is stuff in there I will never hang again, but I have a hard time letting go of things, even when I know I should, especially when it's importance is in my heart, not in its function.
  • Organizing the attic. Venturing up there to snag the decorations will lead to organizing the attic. The attic is slightly more organized then the basement, but not by much!
  • Start the holiday baking. Okay, definitely not today, but I'm doing the whole week now.....
  • Rearrange the middle room to accommodate the tree. That's a whole day of frustration....
  • Sew, sew, sew and maybe a bit more sewing....
  • That should be enough, maybe, kinda sorta....
I'm sure that list will be tweaked a couple of hundred times. I'm off to take advantage of no distractions!!

Till then...

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)