Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Word of the Day #17

Cue the dancing penguins......

Today's word......

The last week has felt like a month! I have had the cold from hell that will not go away. I have about 30 projects started, and only 3 of them done. My house looks like some sort of bomb went off. Just general chaos.

My goal today is to get my place looking as if some sort of civilized, self-respecting beings actually live here. (They don't really, but that's the look I'm going for). I've noticed when I don't post my plans for random interwebz stalkers to read, I don't get anything accomplished.

My Christmas hasn't even started yet. The great exchange takes place this Friday, when I'll finally have all my children here at the same time, which is a little bit of  blessing, gives me a few more days to finish up some straggling projects.

Well, as I'm not getting anything accomplished here, I better motor.

I will try to get back on later, post some pics of the few projects I've gotten done, regale you with stories of how wonderful my place looks finally, etc. etc.

Till then...