Friday, November 12, 2010

Reason #5654 to Strangle Your Children....

So, I'm gonna relax, kick back and watch a movie. Should be relatively painless, almost easy. Right???

Not in my house!

Turn on the dvd player to put in a movie and there's "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry"

Grab the case to put it away, open it up and there's "A Bronx Tale" in the C&L case.

Grab that case to put it away and find "Hancock"

And where's the Hancock case???

  In the basket where it belongs, Empty.

That was my head.....
The fruity topping on this absolutely craptastic day is.....

    I just had to go chase bulimic kitty because apparently it's not enough to yak cat food all over my place, we must jump on cupboards, knock things over, break things to get........ sub rolls. Yes, not a tasty meat piece, but a sub roll.

What with me being all against animal cruelty, would it be in poor taste to turn him into a rug? probably, maybe, hmmmmmm.

You should all know that when I go to prison later today, after the bell tower/high powered rifle incident I am envisioning right now, I would like Fry to take care of my kids.

I must not have left the house long enough.

Do they have internet in prison?  Will I be able to update my blog from there?  Facebook, maybe???  Here's hoping.

Till then......

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)