Saturday, March 12, 2011

Word of the Day #19

Today's word is.....
         (whirl, twirl, fall down)

I've been stepping back a bit, trying to find my groove so to speak. I get into these states where I rush around and rush around and for as hard as I try, I accomplish nothing. I know what I want to do, I just can't focus on one thing long enough to get it done. I'm getting buried in lists, ideas, half-finished projects, housework, drama and then, like a small child, I see something shiny and I'm distracted again....

I shouldn't say I have accomplished nothing, a few small things have managed to slip through the distractions. Hooks are up, most of the salad bars are out of business now that they are out of reach. Of course the hook hanging itself was quite comical. Not very often do I ask D for help but as I'm practically an oompa loompa height-wise I got him to operate the drill for me. And then I remembered why I very rarely ask for help.....
Atleast I know the hook will be secure....
I scored some cotton butchers twine at the dollar store and got three more plant hangers made today. Nothing fancy, I prefer the simple ones.
Have to love the chaos!!
My pothos in the living room, I have named her Niblet
There is also a much longer one that will be hung in the kitchen for my proposed herb planter. Let's see how long that one takes...

Also on the list of stuff I have actually accomplished....
  • recycled a few jar candle messes into smaller easier to burn votives (have to love that little coffee cup hot plate thingie-ma-jig)
  • Chopped my middle room curtains into valances, remaining material will become valances for the living room.
  • repotted 2 aloe plants I scored at the thrift store. (Woohoo succulents!)
  • held back the impending wave of filth my family insists on unleashing in the house
Of course, there is the list of half-finished jobbers...
  • denim rag rug made out of D's old work jeans. If they were good enough for his tush, they're good enough for boots and shoes down in the entranceway. (Almost halfway done, need to shred more jeans)
  • middle room shelf curtains (cut, need hemmed, hung and stenciled)
  • yoga mat bag (cut, needs sewn & stenciled)
And the never ending list of things I must/want/need to do

  • so not doing that to myself right now...
 So, for right now, I'm going to reevaluate my lists, remember to breathe and see what I can do.

Till then...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mad Dash (intermission)

Woohoo!!  So much to do, so little time, so thankful for caffeine!

Where to begin the update???  Ah, Day 7, Operation Air Dry. Surprisingly enough, I am doing fine with no dryer. I've  never been so conscientious about laundry as I have been the last week. I honestly think the dryer dying on me was a blessing in disguise. Granted, Mini-Me 'cleaning' her bedroom has put me a few loads in the red, but for the most part I'm keeping up! I found an extra tension/shower rod in the attic so I either put that up in the boys lair or in the shower for extra shirt hanging space. I've got a system going on and it's working great!

Operation Make the apartment look like decent people live here going very well.  I've managed to stay one step ahead of the demon hordes who reside with me. Just don't open any doors or cupboards....

Operation Kitty Salad Bar/Spa. I'm managing to foil this one. I've spent the last few hours making hanging plant holders out of my mad hemp stash (that's hemp stash, we won't discuss the other stash). Nothing fancy, just something to keep my plants out of snacking range. My poor pothos is very ragged and my dwarf palm is not much better. For plants that are supposed to be poisonous to furry heathens, my cats are surprisingly healthy. Now I just have to grab some sort of hardware apparatus to hang said snack bars from.....

Operation Impending Doom.... Ah, the candle party. I don't often have people in my abode so I have a lengthy list of things that must be done, things I'd like done, etc. etc.

  • repaint & stencil coffee table
  • recover living room pillows
  • make a yoga mat bag for my strat mat
  • sew area rugs together (they look great but crack kitties skidding through house ala Tom Cruise/underwear scene makes them skitchy)
  • New living room curtains (middle room curtains being converted to 4 valances)
  • paint furnace door
  • new shelf curtains in middle room
  • slip cover for my vacuum & sewing machine(same fabric as above curtains)
I imagine most of that may get done. I'm hoping.....

Operation Quit reading other peoples blogs so I can quit adding to my lists of things I must try. Complete Failure. I have found so so so many things I want to try out..... decoupaging furniture, brown bag/glue treatment for the stairs, world peace, gardening (I am going to make a window box herb garden for my kitchen!!!) and a thousand other things....

Ok, intermission over. As soon as I get batteries I'll start posting pics of all my projects.

Till then...