Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day After....

We survived Turkey Day, barely. I really fail to see how a day spent entirely in the kitchen, hours upon hours of prep for about 20 minutes of eating and then hours upon hours of putting stuff away, washing, cleaning, etc is a holiday. It's my own fault though. We get invites to go elsewhere, my family's, D's family's, friends, and I usually opt to stay home and torture myself. (This year's pumpkin pie, or as I call it, "that sliver I put underneath my mountain of generic whipped cream" was put in the oven minutes after the rolls came out!)

After years of going here and going there for dinner, I just crave to stay home and do my own thing. One of my favorite Turkey Day traditions is the constant playing of Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant in my kitchen. This is a rather newish tradition, I only started doing it about 4 years ago, but it's not Turkey Day without it now. For the next month I'll be singing it under my breath, every once in awhile excepting Alice will slip out and I'll get odder than normal looks!

I do have to learn to let go sometimes though. I get that drill sergeant mentality, barking, yelling, then I start that, you're not doing it right, I'll just do it, get out thing and I have to stop that, really. Baby steps though, baby steps....

This year's new thing, and let's hope this doesn't become tradition, was the Migraine From Hell. By the time all was said and done, and I took my Father home, I was in bed, sleeping by 6:15 pm. Dishes be damned, that's what GirlChilds#1&2 are for (pans are still soaking). Today I'm containing the leftover disaster, trying to find some semblance of habitability and getting ready to visit family. 

My first attempts at vegetarian cuisine were moderately successful, however I will never roast the turkey empty again. I don't know what possessed me to not stuff it, but that was a one-time-only event. Mini-me loved the meatless stuffing, so that was a bonus.

Other than the migraine & the mess, it was a pretty good day. I love having my entire family together, I would put up with any headache for that.

Off to continue damage control, wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Pre-Turkey Day!!

It's that time again. Run-Around-Like-An-Idiot-Wednesday! That time of year when one tries to get a jump on Turkey Day, only to find out (a) you've forgotten 3/4 of what you wanted to do and (b) the 1/4 you accomplished only made things worse.

Okay, maybe it's not that bad. After the day I had yesterday I'm expecting the worst. I'm about 78% human today and hopefully I can make up for not doing a single thing yesterday (if you looked at my kitchen, it would look like 5 days). Of course, I'm not working right now so I imagine things will go a little smoother than previous years.

As of right now I'm trying to get some caffeine in my body, hopefully I'll be somewhat functional soon. I have one last minute trip to the grocery store, gotta get pies started (I've reconsidered and I'm only making two), gotta make veggie broth, wanna get my veggies chopped, negotiate world peace, finish my coffee table (still in basement, argh), hang Mini-Me's curtains, and about 30 other semi-impossible things.

I'm gonna go get more caffeine (maybe some sort of IV drip would work better) and get started. Wish me luck!!!

Till then...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Word of the Day #12

da duh da duh da duh.....

Today's word is.....
           (hails of derisive laughter!!)

Thanksgiving break starts today. The midgets have early dismissal and they are off school till Tuesday the 30th. (Here in scenic Pennsyltucky, the first day of deer season is a state-wide observed holiday). So, this vacation is more theirs than mine.

I have made plans to get very little done, the best laid plans are always thrown askew by my midgets. Don't get me wrong, I love having them home. They are fun, in a twisted need-valium sort of way. GirlChild#1will not arrive until TurkeyDay morning, and then they are all going off with their male-parent on Friday evening, and the weekend will be mine! (Oh the plans I have)

I did decide to paint the coffee table now. It's in the basement, with the first coat drying. After the 'evil-kitties-must-declare-first-scratch' incident with the two end-tables, this one is staying in the basement atleast two days before I bring it up here for the clawed masses. Seriously, Bast forbid I have a table without a claw mark. Argh. They're looking more like tiny little rugs every day.

I have re-nicknamed Camo Hostage Kitty, I think it's more fitting, and catchier.

I should go referee, I hear the midgets, they're getting twitchy. I miss the days when I could dose them with benadryl. (hee hee)

Till then...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Word of the Day #11

Cue the dancing penguins.......

               Today's word(s) is (are)   Caught Up!!!
                                           ('s a parade!)
Over the last two days I have managed to:
  • Clean my kitchen
  • (Almost) organized my middle room
  • Cleaned my living room and got rid of one dvd shelf
  • (almost) cleaned my bathroom 
  • organized my TurkeyDay foodage
  • sew a festive type tablecloth for my coffee/dining table
  • make new pillows for Mini-Me
  • steal a cat (I think I posted about that already, she's doing great!)
  • paint 2 tables & touch up a third, all are back where they belong
  • make dinners
  • not drink the entire gallon of blackberry merlot in the fridge (maybe half but not all)
  • spray paint the hanging basket I scored at a junk store
  • rant rave and plot impending doom (I love how the holidays bring out the crazier in already crazy peeps)
  • avoid jail
  • got out of my Mom's house in record time (60 minutes FTW!!)
  • played with a circular saw
  • discovered I have NO business messing around with carpentry

I almost don't know what to do with myself!!  I have a short list of things to grab at the grocery store for Turkey Day, I have my list ready of things to do, things to bake and when. (Exactly why am I baking 4 pies for 6 people?) Which brings me to......

Any Veggie People out there?????  This is Mini-Me's first meat free Turkey Day. Gravy?????  How would gravy made from veggie broth taste?  Should I try, anyone have any suggestions??  For the record... she's not vegan, for what it's worth.

I have my lists, my plans, my plots. I'm debating whether or not to paint my coffee table (last remaining thing in living room to be painted) now or wait till after Turkey Day.

My plans for Thursday involve keeping everyone out of my too small kitchen and having dinner in the living room. I made cute tablecloths for my coffee table and trays. (My Dad will be happy on the couch anyway!) I really think I can pull this off. The kids (and me) love sitting on the floor cushions anyway so why fight it. I'll take lots of pics and post 'em, whether it worked or it's a fiasco! (Cross your various appendages!)

Well, I'm off to get into some sort of trouble!

Till then!