Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm Back!!! (Again...)

I know it's been awhile, but my electronics mutinied and it's been awful.   After the strain of three, sometimes four people sharing the laptop, she died. No Bootable Media were her last words. I cried, only because I haven't backed anything up for the last month or so. Oh well, live and learn.

Our desktop was painfully slow. In the time it took to load a webpage you could make a pot of coffee, drink two cups, colonize a third-world country, find a cure for cancer, clean your house, raise a family and go on vacation. Luckily for me a friend of mine, ubergeek that he is, had two or three extra towers just sitting around his house so he gave me one. (Fantastic, charitable fellow, this is the guy who plays at the bar every other week, only accepting donations for the Second Harvest Food Bank of NW Pennsylvania. Great big standing ovation for Marty O'Connor please!!  And not to short change the rest of the guys, a myriad of extremely talented musicians accompany him whenever possible, which is most of the time. I'm horrible at names boys but The Unprofessionals are incredible too!!)

I'm trying to put a positive spin on this. I spend more time doing things now that I'm chained to the desk again. No more funny looking imprints on my thighs from having the laptop on there for days at a time.I've got a few things accomplished, a hundred more ideas on my to-do list and a relatively clean house.

And since it's a beautiful day, I'm off to get some stuff done so I have entertaining posts for you guys!!

Till then...