Monday, November 15, 2010

The Day I Found A Use For My Hairdryer

I have two x chromosomes, so I own a hair dryer. I don't use it very often, atleast on my hair. Maybe 5 times total in the 4 years that I have owned it.

Remember that 49 cent end table I found at Sally's??
Yeah, that one. The one covered in frickin' contact paper???
HAHA, I won! With a spray bottle of vinegar and the aforementioned hair dryer, there is not a strip of contact paper left on it!!!!!

It's on my floor instead.
If I didn't hate that carpet so much,
I would be more careful about stuff
like this!
I spent about an hour previously picking and picking at it, getting a teensy frustrated. I was surfing the web, found the hint about the hair dryer and voila.... exposed laminate.

Damn. I hate laminate. I sanded the bejezzus out of it, took it to the basement and sprayed the hell out of it.

I'm poor and lazy, and thought I'd try out the spray paint from the dollar store. I figure, if I'm gonna guinea pig, it's going to be on the furniture that cost me less than two quarters. I didn't think it looked too bad after the first coat. My current coffee table has a similar finish to it. I'm excited about doing that next!
After 2 coats, not too bad :)
A few strategically placed blue lotus, some sealer and I'm happy :)

The shadows are bit weird. That's the basement for ya.
Woohoo, she'll be in my living room tonight!!!!

Till then...


  1. first, was it absolutely necessary to take the final pic sideways and cockeyed???? I'm about to throw-up from moving my head side to side to get a good look. Seriously, I'm getting that queasy feeling and my mouth is starting to water like it does right before you run for the toilet.....I digress. I LOVE THE TABLE!!! The only reason I'm not bent over my trash can right now is because the magnificence that is your end table is over powering the voodoo that is your photography.

    In all seriousness...I'm sorry I'm sitting here cracking myself up, I can't stop laughing at my witty commentary.

    Okay, really, in all seriousness, I absolutely love the table. You did a great job and it'll look beautiful in your home (well I'm assuming, I've never actually seen your home)....okay, I'm going now. Mwah!!

  2. Yes, it was absolutely necessary to take the final pic sideways and cockeyed!!!!!! The lighting in the basement is horrible, the table is way shinyish and every other angle was like a frickin' mirror!!!

    Mwah!!! TyTy. I hear a rumor you may be in town around turkey day. You do have a standing invite :P

    You do supply a very witty commentary btw. You're not expecting paid for this, are you?


I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)