Friday, February 25, 2011

It's just like kindergarten.....

Remember all those really fun things you could get away with when you were little and cute??? Smearing glue and paint all over and you didn't have to use a brush, you could use your fingers?? Playing with the scissors and cutting cute little patterns out??  Setting things on fire??? Okay, maybe that last one wasn't exactly encouraged but being the pyro that I am, I always wanted to.

Just the other day I'm slinging beer, minding my own business, chatting with customers and I find out that my neighbor not only loves all things crafty, but has her own website! (Blatant plug-in, check out Just Craft Talk, not only is Robbie fun to talk to when you should be working, but she has some pretty cool ideas!) And in all this chatting she mentions Burning Stuff!!!  On purpose!!! I had never heard of burnt bag before but she marveled me with talk of smearing tacky glue all over brown paper bags and SETTING IT ON FIRE!!!!

Ok, so it's just a tidge more involved than that, for a more reliable set of instructions, mosey on over to this tutorial and check it out.

I have been wanting a lotus blossom candle holder for about forever now, and haven't been able to find one locally (or really have the budget....) so this started me thinking, why not try to make one?? So I combined my pyromaniac tendancies and a little deranged creativity and came up with this (so far):

I definitely want to add more petals, I'm definitely going to paint the cork and who knows what else I'll do to it. I'm pretty much jammed today but have the whole weekend to scheme and putter. The important thing is that I think it's going to work.

I'm off to be domestic.....

Till then....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How I Spent My Winter Breakdown....

Ok, so it wasn't technically a breakdown but just an extended blah.... I had no ambition, no drive, no sanity, etc. etc.

But I'm back, I'm feeling good, I'm actually quasi-human again!!

There's actually very little to update you on but a few highish points:
  • I've decided to try and kill houseplants again. I have always had the worst luck with houseplants, but we're going on 3 weeks and I haven't killed them yet!! Of course, the furry beasts are treating them as some sort of salad bar. All I have to do is pull my water fountains out of the attic and I'll have some sort of cat spa for them....
  • I finally got my Christmas decorations back in the attic!!!  (As of yesterday, yes it was a funk)
  • I've gone back to work. What started out as helping out whenever a friend of mine needed help has turned into steady bartending again. To be honest with you, I did miss it more than I thought I did. It's what I'm good at and I'm happy. I miss being with the twitchies, but it's working out.
I've got a list a mile long of things I want to accomplish, but I'll fill you in next post.... I'm easing back into this!

Till then...