Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thirty Random Things About Me (or I'm a Sheepie)

So, one of the blogs I follow started one of these so I figured, what the hell. These are always fun, even if they make you think a bit too much. Anyhoo, here we go....

1. I'm terrified of clowns, creepy bastards that they are. Even Ronald McDonald sends me into a full body shiver. I don't know why, I was never traumatized at an early age by one or anything. They're just creepy. (You can also add mimes, bats, republicans, Glenn Beck, Fox News, and fundies to that list.)

2. I cry, too much. About the stupidest things. Most current example I can think of is I was rereading The Deathly Hallows (for probably the 27th time), and it had gotten to the part where Dobby dies. I'm sitting up in bed, tears streaming down my face and in walks D who looks at me, rolls his eyes and says "You're at the part where Dobby dies, aren't you?" (I was one of the sheepies who HAD to buy Deathly Hallows at midnight, sat up in bed reading the whole book in one night, woke D up with my sobbing the first time through). It's a bit pathetic some times.

3. I'm just a tidge obsessive. I get an idea in my head, something I want to do, or learn etc, and I can't concentrate on anything else until I've got it done. I have been known to forgo sleep to get something done. I am an odd bird.

4. I'm a pyromaniac, but not in the scary way. Candles, oil lamps, incense, warmth, I crave them. Mini-me, on the other hand has an unhealthy fear of flames. (Her sister once set her hair on fire trying to light a candle when they were 2 & 3, was a tidge scary). I have entirely too many (in Mini-me's estimation) candles and such scattered throughout the apartment. Hanging candles, candles on tables, candles on shelves, candles on walls, floating candles, the list goes on and on....  The less electric lights that are on, and the more candles that are lit, the happier I am. (That is until Mini-me follows behind me, blowing out all my candles....argh)

5. I prefer to eat soup out of a mug, not a bowl. When I was little and sick, my Mom used to give us soup in a mug (so we could hold it by the handle while we were lying on the couch). It still makes me feel better. On a side note, I also prefer to have parmesan cheese in my chicken soup. Trust me, it’s good.

6. I love the show Supernatural! Have to watch it every week, I’ll watch it online if I’ve missed Friday’s episode. Contrary to Mini-me’s opinion, it’s not because I’m in love with Jensen Ackles, (not that he’s not a cutie) but because of the riveting story lines and the fact that I’m in love with Misha Collins. (Seriously, check out his Twitter, he’s freakin’ hilarious!!!)

7. I also watch Destination Truth religiously. I love the scenery, the humor and I'm crushing on Josh Gates a bit, I think it's the Kermit voice thing he's got going on.

8. Listening to my Ipod on shuffle is an extremely disturbing activity, it should not be done. By all means, put a playlist on shuffle but not the whole thing. I once made that mistake and ended up with:
  • Rob Zombie
  • Brad Paisley
  • Loreena McKennit
  • Bobby Darin
  • Bagpipes
  • some japanese song I could not identify
  • Led Zeppelin
  • That annoying 'I like to move it, move it' song
  • more Rob Zombie
  • Hinder
I went back to a playlist after that.

 9. I hate shoes, socks, any sort of foot covering at all. It would make me immensely happy to never cover my feet again, ever.

10. I'm not partial to bras either. My happiest days are the ones where the big three are avoided (shoes, bras & make-up!)

11. I hate doing my hair. I prefer long, straight, tucked behind my ears. Keep your hair dryers, curling irons, etc. etc. I don't even like pulling it back into a pony tail (gives me the worst headaches).

12. I'm incredibly insecure. I hate that, and I try not to be, but it still manages to rear it's ugly head from time to time. I'm working on it though.

13. I make jokes at the most inappropriate times. When the stress gets to me, or I don't know how to deal with something I make jokes. More often than not it goes ok, every once in a while it backfires.

14. I have inadvertently started a war on facebook with my bff. It started with her posting "Brand New Key" on my page, couldn't get it out of my head all day, so I countered with "MMMBop" (yes, I sunk to Hansen). I cringe to think what could be on my page next....

15. I love to cook. I absolutely adore it, baking, roasting, etc. etc. etc. My only problem is I pick so much while I'm doing these things that when its time to eat, I'm too full to eat with everyone else!

16. I'm a very undisciplined housekeeper. I'll be good for awhile, the OCD in me demands lists. Can't accomplish much without a list. After a while I'll take a day off, things go to hell and it takes me weeks to catch up. Another thing I'm working on.

17. I'm terrified of dead mice (not that fond of the living ones either). One afternoon we walked in, Jabba had gotten one and left it in the middle of the middle room for us (how sweet). I screamed like a girl and Mini-me ended up taking care of it for me. To this day they still laugh about that.

18. I have IBS and I hate it! I refuse to take the medication, so I suffer through the flare-ups. I can pretty much keep it manageable with diet, but stress kills it. I went almost a year with no flares, but this month has pretty much killed me. 

19. I will read the same books over and over and over. There are a few books (and series of books) that I have to reread constantly. These include: Clive Barker's Imajica, Harry Potter (all 7), LOTR + The Hobbit, The Fifth Sacred Thing & Walking To Mercury (by Starhawk, unbelievably beautiful books!), MZB's Avalon series (Mists of, Lady of, Priestess of, Forest House etc. etc.)  

20. I talk to myself, alot. It tends to annoy the people around me, but hey, that's me. Sometimes I even argue....  Occasionally I can pass it off as talking to the cats, but everyone's on to me. I'm not just talking about mumbling a few things under my breath, I'm talking about very animated, very passionate conversations. (And that's one step closer to the straight jacket for me!)

21. I must be very boring as I'm struggling to find 10 more things.....

22. My favorite charity of the moment is.... Random Acts   Stolen directly from their FAQs:
On December 3, 2009, Misha Collins, who currently portrays the angel Castiel on Supernatural, used Twitter to ask his followers (affectionately termed “minions”) to come up with ideas for a “minionstimulus” project. The goal was to obtain U.S. government stimulus money (funding to aid endeavors to stop an economic recession) for non-profit “minion” initiatives.
The pursuit of government funding was soon abandoned in favor of morphing into a privately organized charity group, formerly known as MinionStimulus. After visiting our fledgling website, Misha appointed Lisa Walker his Director of Charitable Affairs and provided her with some initial direction. Together, Misha and Lisa began marshaling the forces of good at their disposal.
Since that auspicious beginning, our organization has gone through several changes, including our name. We’ve come a long way and now have non-profit status through our parent organization, The Art Department, Inc. With Misha and Lisa’s direction and leadership, and the daily attention of an extraordinary administrative team, we have an organization poised to conquer the world, one random act of kindness at a time.

23. Alot of people think I'm mean, standoffish or just plain scary. In all actuality, I'm not. I believe I mentioned insecure earlier, if I am not comfortable I tend to withdraw and come across as mean. I don't mean to, its not intentional. Believe me, if I don't like you, you will know.

24. I have a twisted sense of humor, very twisted, sometimes bordering on illegal, and most definitely usually in poor taste.

25. I can't honestly believe that anyone would want to know this much about me. I don't even want to know this much about me.

26. My favorite word of the moment is 'stabbity'.

27. I'm a sucker for back rubs.

28. When I yell, I sound like my mother, and that terrifies me....

29. I name things, inanimate things, animate things, I don't care if you already have a name, I will more than likely nickname you and never call you by any other.

30. I will watch all 24 hours of A Christmas Story when TBS runs it, even though I own the dvd, and only put it in when I'm decorating for the holidays!

Finally, done. So, if you are so obliged, be a sheepie like me and do this yourself, post it on your blog, your facebook, wherever. Randomly email it to strangers. Have fun with it!!

Till then....

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)