Sunday, November 28, 2010

Word of the Day #13

I know it's been a few days but.....
     (singing, dancing, exultation of joy)
                              Today's word is.............
                                                                  Peace (as in ...and Quiet)
                                                               (spin, dance, jump, woo-hoo)

For the first time in what feels likes weeks, but I'm sure is actually days, I am alone. I am lounging on the couch, enjoying my coffee, surveying the damage, savoring the quiet. The tv is actually on something I want to watch, I do not hear a single video game, computer game, an I'm Bored, what can I do? or any usual noise associated with the wee ones. And I have 48 hours of it!!

As far as today goes, I'm not sure how long I have D out of the way. My battle plans today include damage control. Fortune teller that I am, I foresee either the living room or the bedroom being taken over when he comes home from tearing apart whatever piece of machinery had the sheer audacity to dare break down the day before the first day of deer.(That most revered holiday in D's life, forget Xmas, Turkey Day, anything else. It's all about walking around in the woods.) Those are at the top of my must-do list today. I get them out of the way, I'm free and clear on the rest of the list.

All the little things (and a few big things) that slipped through the cracks the last week will be attended to. I love it when everyone is here, more than anything, I'm just excited that I have this little bit of time to get everything taken care of, alone.

A constant theme in this blog is how small this place is. Everyone is in everyone's face constantly, and especially when it's vacation, and bedtimes become a bit lax, and it's the holiday's and we're going there, or people are coming here, things get neglected, pushed off till later and I can't stand it!!!! I need this time to catch up and maybe, just maybe get ahead a little!

Yesterday was wonderful, spent the afternoon at my brothers, played with the kids, visited with OLCCS (I wish she lived closer!!! I miss her sooooooo bad!!) There was, of course, the usual shrill, high-pitched screeching (and not the babies, the grown-ups. We're primarily Italian, German, Irish & Native American, that's a NASTY combination for tempers and such), that's what makes it the holidays (or a Tuesday, doesn't matter). But it's family. And more than anything I love my family.

Today however, I'm on a mission, and without the usual distractions I'm getting it done.

So, without further adieu.....

Till then....


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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)