Friday, December 3, 2010

Entertainment Center Revisited... (Updated)

There was the project that turned into what I like to call "The Media Center from Hell Disaster". I shouldn't complain, I did learn that while I lurve playing with power tools, I should not attempt building things from scratch right now. I don't have all the tools I need, nor the space to try. (Botched attempt is banished to the basement where it serves as half-assed shelves.

I have a dresser in the attic that is not currently in use. Right now we have a third dresser stashed in the closet for D's long johns, sweatshirts and the such. If I can figure out how to rearrange the bedroom to accommodate the dresser in the attic then I can swipe the closet dresser and convert it to a tv stand type thing. The dresser in the attic is too tall for the tv, I don't want that stuck in the movie theater first row neck pain every time I try to watch tv, and too big to stash in the closet.

I'm thinking of mish-mashing the original idea and the dresser conversion thing. It's just crazy enough to work. (Or I'm just crazy enough to think it'll work, whichever)

On a side note, I'm beginning to love the rearranged living room. It's amazing how just moving things around a bit make such a difference. I'm off to scheme. Look for pictures or rants, depending on how it turns out!

Till then...

It's gonna work!!! Not the way I originally planned, things have snowballed like you would not believe. 3, possibly 4 rooms are being affected, this is going to be a weekend ordeal!!!  And, as an unbelievable bonus, I get my closet back!!!  Wewt!!  I'm off to do cartwheels and get busy!

Till then, again....

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)