Saturday, December 18, 2010


I'm still here, really.

I am so very far behind on everything I must do before Christmas (giftmas, yule, winter solstice, whatever...) gets here I may never catch up!

I am determined to get my decorations done today, yadda yadda yadda.

Just wanted to let my interwebz stalkers know I haven't been eaten by rabid badgers or anything.

I am putting the children to work today (2/3 have been home from school all week with the plague, we did get to the doctor(s) yesterday to get excuses, they will be banished back to school Monday, woot!) and we should be good!

I finally got my hands on a drill so I can finish my tv dresser. And no, D never remembered to bring one home from the garage, D's Mom came to the rescue (in exchange for me fixing 3 computers). The painting of the dresser will have to wait till after the festivities, I do however have some fabric I can hide it with for now!

I would be alot further along on gifts if I wasn't so damned obsessive compulsive. I cannot tell you how many things I have gotten half-done and then proceeded to rip apart as I wasn't happy with them. At this very moment I'm considering replacing The Boy's hat with a cuter one. (I'm picturing ear flaps ala Elmer Fudd) Argh..... damned interwebz and all the cool things I must make!

Mini-Me is not helping any with that department as she keeps finding amigurumi patterns she wants and points them out to me. (Apparently she needs a David Tennant or she will just die, really) My biggest mistake last week was signing up for an account at Ravelry!! As if I need any more distractions!! Remind me later to show you the Monster Bag I crocheted on a whim! (I could fit a smallish child/largish dog into it!)

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! There's birds in my attic!! I just heard them!!!  I walked past the bathroom and heard them through the vent. I am now picturing scenes from 'The Birds' when I go up there to get the decorations. Is this a sign that I should not decorate this year???

I'm going to go mainline some more coffee and deliberate.

Wish me luck..

Till then...