Saturday, November 13, 2010

Twisted Wish List

Think Geek has the coolest stuff!!  I am taking the day off (so far, I may get motivated later, maybe), so I'm sitting here, in the quiet, perusing Think Geek and getting my wish list together!

 Garden Zombie  When I get a yard, this will be the first statue bought!!  I will name him Ralph and he will live under a shrub. I may buy him now and place him under random children's beds. Mini-Me would appreciate the humor, not sure how the other two would react. I will be sure to videotape it!

Horror Movie Shower Curtain & Bath Mat - needs no description. Funnier than hell!!

Don't Panic Towel - What self-respecting Douglas Adams fan would be found without one!!! If you have to ask why, you wouldn't get it.

Titanium Spork - I have had an unhealthy fascination with sporks for quite some time now. Don't ask why, I couldn't tell you. What started out as a joke in a Linux chatroom (yes, I was that big of a geek!) turned into a rabid obsession with the most majestic of kitchenware.

Ninjabread Men Cookie Cutters - What can I possibly say??? I must have them!!!

The Ex Knife Holder - ThinkGeek also has a matching pen holder!!

Sun and Moon Jars - I absolutely adore these!!!!  Solar cell, rechargable AA battery and a low energy LED light inside the frosted mason jar! How gorgeous would those be on a patio????

That's it for now. I think my caffeine may be kicking in!  Wish me luck!

Till then...

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)