Everything you never realized you wanted to know about this blog

My my, aren't I the presumptuous one? Imagining someone might be interested in why this blog even exists. I'm sure no one does but I'm doing it anyway. Ok, maybe one or two do. I'll probably be adding to this page as it becomes relevant or as it pops into my head or as I get asked questions.

The title?
What the hell does it even mean? Here's an example. I smoke. I'm trying to cut back, (not doing too bad so far) I keep them in my freezer so I can't just grab one mindlessly. I have to get up to go get one. I'll get up during say writing a post for the blog. On my way to the kitchen I see that the mirror I started painting is dry and ready for another coat of paint. I put on another layer, figure there's enough paint left on the lid so I grab a little doo-dad out of my project box and start painting that, why waste the paint. Oh wait, what was I doing? Oh, a cigarette. I make it to the freezer, grab a smoke, realize I haven't taken out anything for dinner. So, something gets yanked from the frostbox, oh wait, who left that on the table?  I'll put it away, mumbling to myself about how wonderful it must be to have given birth to people with the ability to use their arms!! Wait, what was I doing? Oh, smoke. I walk back to the living room, grab my lighter. Oh wait, I'm posting something. Shit, I forgot to upload those pictures I wanted to put on the blog. Let me find them, oh look, I'll eventually need that pic, why don't I upload those too. I double check picasa to make sure they've all uploaded and Oh My, what a mess! I better organize those folders. Oh wait, what was I doing??  Oh, posting!!  How I get anything done is beyond me!!!

I have the uncanny ability to have 5 things going on at once! At any time I could be beading a candle holder, painting a piece of furniture, have something cooking in the kitchen, deciding between fabric piles on which one I'm going to turn into pillows and making lists on what my next 14 projects are going to be.  And I actually do much better this way! I thrive on chaos. I can't do just one thing at a time.

What stores do you frequent?
I could not live without thrift stores! Salvation Army (the one on Keystone Drive is my fave), Goodwill (26th & Zuck), I can't remember the name of this one, but the one on Brown Avenue in the old day-old bread store, next to Lefty's, and pretty much any other thrift store I drive by! The one in the West Erie Plaza, in the old D&K seems to have some nice furniture. My Sister's Closet, the one on the west side, I haven't been in the one by Erie County Farms yet.

Dollar Tree, I LOVE the Dollar Tree! Walmart, Target, K-Mart, Dollar Tree, Grasshopper, Chicory Hill Herbs, Gabriel Brothers, Dollar Tree, JoAnn Fabrics, Michaels, AC Moore, Dollar Tree, Valu Home Center and the Dollar Tree.

Garage Sales, Rummage Sales, Flea Markets. I haven't been to a Flea Market in years! I miss going to the one in Andover, I'm gonna have to start hitting that one again next year.

Books, Music, Artists, Interests?
The usual horror writers, King, Rice, Koontz, Barker, etc etc Starhawk, Dianne Sylvan, I have kids so of course, Harry Potter and the Twilight books. My girls got me into some manga, I'm addicted to Bleach and Vampire Knight. I'll pretty much read anything except romance novels and anything written by an employee of Fox News or most Republicans.

Music... I'm very eclectic in my musical taste. Anything with drums! Pretty much no hip hop, no polka, no Lady Gaga. Anything else goes.

TV... House, Supernatural, The Daily Show,

Interests?  Obviously crafty stuff. I love beading. Painting furniture and stuffs. I can't draw or anything cool like that, but I love painting stuff. Give me a stencil and I'm dangerous! Sewing (mostly house stuff, haven't gotten the knack of clothing yet although I desperately want too! I'm attempting jammie pants for yule we all live in them!), knitting, cross stitch, making candles, burning candles. I'm a bit of pyro.  With the exception of the kid's rooms, there is not less than 6 candles in any given room and probably much more than that!

I love my kids! I've got 3, 2 girls (15 & 16) and the boy (who is usually referred to as "The Boy") just turned 10. They're scattered all over. The oldest (Shelby or GirlChild#1) is living in Girard with her father. She didn't adjust well to city high school so she went out there where the entire high school population is smaller than the freshman class in here. She comes in every other weekend. I miss her like crazy, but she's doing much better out there. The middle child (Mantha or GirlChild#2 or MiniMe) is here with me, she's twisted, crazy, in a word me with a smarter mouth. And the boy bounces back and forth between his dad (about 8 blocks away) and here all week. It's not a 'traditional' arrangement, but we make it work.

We have 2 cats living with us. Cranky cranky old men (just turned 11 in September). Bo (CrackKitty or BulimicKitty) skinny, wiry, jumpy black & white and Boo (Jabba or Booda) black, matted, cranky.

In case you're interested at all, I've got the prerequisite social networking bs going on. Feel free to click on any of the links :)

Picasa Web Album

I'm not going to bother listing the blogs I try to keep up with, those are on the side of every page on here (go gadgets go!!)

Contacting Me?
You want to contact me? Well, ok. Make sure you put Super Secret Ninja Stuff in the subject line and email me here.

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)