Saturday, November 13, 2010


I admit, it was driving me nuts. So, I slaved a little more on my sewing corner and I think I may actually be able to sleep now. I should probably add, I LOVE the remnant bin at Joann Fabrics.

Look on....

I'm still going to paint the furniture black, just not tonight! I found some velcro in my sewing stash so I went ahead and dressed up my junk. This particular piece of fabric is normally way out of my price range.


I even used up the little bit of black material that I had left over from the great tablecloth fiasco and covered the filing cabinet!

And, in the cleanish spot between the printer and the sewing shelf, I finally put out my meditation cushions!!!  Bonus, covered the breakfast in bed tray with a scarf and I've got a little meditation spot. I'm sure by tomorrow I will have moved it, but tonight it looks great!

I'm off to bed. Night all!

Till then...

Junk Drawer, still junky...

Ok, it's not as bad as it was, it's getting there.

I've still got some major organizing to do.

  • I need atleast 3 more sturdy lidded paper type boxes. I want to cover those and use for storage. All those plastic organizers you see under the printer stand are most of my beading stuff. I would like to stash those inside prettier boxes! 
  • Behind the printer stand is my plastic drawer thingie with fabric in it standing on top of a wood apple crate from Momma's summers of working at the fruit stand. I have candle holders stashed in the crate and baskets on top of all that. 
  • The school books are getting moved from the crates under the window. I will stash more pretty boxes of crap in there.
  • I scored one of those breakfast in bed trays a few years ago. As I never get breakfast in bed, I use it more for craft stuff. Gotta stash that somewhere more imaginative.
  • I like the sewing shelf sitting that way next to my sewing table. It almost gives it that cubicle feeling.
  • It's all getting painted black. Seriously. I can't stand that prefab wood look anymore. 
  • I'm debating curtains on the printer stand and sewing shelf. 
  • And for the record, I don't drink that much. I used to work at a bar and that's where most of my moving boxes came from. That really makes me look like a lush!

I'm sure I will change things around a thousand times, but atleast it's workablish now. I have come to the conclusion that this is not a room, but a glorified hall. With all the traffic this room gets, I don't see it turning out the way I want it. Oh well, that'll be the next place :)

I'm frazzled,  I'm outta here.

Till then...

This is why I love her...

There is a reason Fry BFF (I'm trying out new nicknames) is practically my soul mate! She is wonderful, this is why I love her.

After a smallish type rant on facebook about having too much stuff, she counters with George!!

You should probably know I worship Carlin. The man was one of the most brilliant, insightful, funny, minds of our time, and I think of him as much more than just a comedian. </gush>

And just as I'm as frustrated as I'm going to get, she has that innate way of making everything better. I am her Dougey (prounounced just like Doogie Howser, only I had the nickname first damn it) and I can rationalize anything for her, she is my BFF (?not sure if that's sticking) and she always makes me feel better. I like that. Everyone needs someone like that, and I am thankful that we have been friends for as long as we have (3rd grade in case anyone is interested, you do the math).

I love your face!!!

Till then....

Word of the Day #6

(cue the dancing girls, hit the lights)

Today's word is......
                           (confetti, jump, jive, wail)

Mini-Me's bed has to be put on hold till next Saturday. My wood guy is out of town hunting (luckily for the animals I believe that has more to do with drinking at camp rather than trotting the woods armed & ready) so I can't do it right until next week.

However, entertainment center #1 has been taken apart and stashed in the attic, and #2 has been moved into Mini-Me's dungeon (along with the tv & wii, I may never see her again!) I'm sure you are all intelligent enough to ascertain from yesterday's posts tantrums that I am having a bit of trouble arranging the junk drawer how I want it. It is such a mish mash of the unimaginable, I don't know where to start.

This is where I'm at now.....

Please ignore the clutter that came off of the entertainment stand, I am finding places for it and the giveaway boxes will be downstairs, by the door by tonight.

I will make this room work today. The panne, that didn't work out so well for covering furniture is about to become curtains. I'm debating cafe or panel right now. I'm leaning more towards panel, if I change my mind, I can always cut them into cafe. I am swapping things around, covering some stuff, pitching others. This room will be atleast 90% done by the time I go to bed. I am determined.

Cross your fingers, toes or whatever appendages you wish, I don't judge.

Till then.....

Twisted Wish List

Think Geek has the coolest stuff!!  I am taking the day off (so far, I may get motivated later, maybe), so I'm sitting here, in the quiet, perusing Think Geek and getting my wish list together!

 Garden Zombie  When I get a yard, this will be the first statue bought!!  I will name him Ralph and he will live under a shrub. I may buy him now and place him under random children's beds. Mini-Me would appreciate the humor, not sure how the other two would react. I will be sure to videotape it!

Horror Movie Shower Curtain & Bath Mat - needs no description. Funnier than hell!!

Don't Panic Towel - What self-respecting Douglas Adams fan would be found without one!!! If you have to ask why, you wouldn't get it.

Titanium Spork - I have had an unhealthy fascination with sporks for quite some time now. Don't ask why, I couldn't tell you. What started out as a joke in a Linux chatroom (yes, I was that big of a geek!) turned into a rabid obsession with the most majestic of kitchenware.

Ninjabread Men Cookie Cutters - What can I possibly say??? I must have them!!!

The Ex Knife Holder - ThinkGeek also has a matching pen holder!!

Sun and Moon Jars - I absolutely adore these!!!!  Solar cell, rechargable AA battery and a low energy LED light inside the frosted mason jar! How gorgeous would those be on a patio????

That's it for now. I think my caffeine may be kicking in!  Wish me luck!

Till then...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Reason #5654 to Strangle Your Children....

So, I'm gonna relax, kick back and watch a movie. Should be relatively painless, almost easy. Right???

Not in my house!

Turn on the dvd player to put in a movie and there's "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry"

Grab the case to put it away, open it up and there's "A Bronx Tale" in the C&L case.

Grab that case to put it away and find "Hancock"

And where's the Hancock case???

  In the basket where it belongs, Empty.

That was my head.....
The fruity topping on this absolutely craptastic day is.....

    I just had to go chase bulimic kitty because apparently it's not enough to yak cat food all over my place, we must jump on cupboards, knock things over, break things to get........ sub rolls. Yes, not a tasty meat piece, but a sub roll.

What with me being all against animal cruelty, would it be in poor taste to turn him into a rug? probably, maybe, hmmmmmm.

You should all know that when I go to prison later today, after the bell tower/high powered rifle incident I am envisioning right now, I would like Fry to take care of my kids.

I must not have left the house long enough.

Do they have internet in prison?  Will I be able to update my blog from there?  Facebook, maybe???  Here's hoping.

Till then......

Word of the Day #5

Boys, Girls, Others.....
          Today's Word?
                                 (woohoo, hop, spin, wewt!)

I just love that word, you can use it so many ways.....

     I'm pretty sure I can chew through that restraint.....
Ok, not the intended use today, but it rather fits.

Right now, the only look that fits for that
     I am showing great restraint by not setting fire to my junk room.

     I am showing immense restraint by not pitching random items out of my too-low windows.

     I am showing incredible restraint by leaving my abode before I do any serious damage.

I could give you a few other examples, but I don't want to leave any evidence in case a criminal investigation becomes necessary.

So, I bid you adieu, I am going any where else to clear my head. I might even come back, it's iffy though.

Love ya!

Till then...

Jump, Stomp, Wail, Cry

I hate my junk drawer room!!!  Let me show you:

This is what I'm dealing with. An L. An L-shaped room?!? I live in an upstairs apartment (or is it a flat because it's the whole floor? Ah, who cares). There is no way to arrange this room without it looking like garbage. The windows are only a foot off the floor. If they were higher, I wouldn't mind putting stuff in front of them, but with them that low, what can I do? I hate boxy, I hate this room!!!  I like fluid, curved, no corners, everything flowing into the other. I'm gonna have to play around. See how I can do this, but for the life of me I can't get it today!  Argh. Ok, I'm gonna go destroy something.

Till then...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Addition...

D's Mom has saved me yet again. I get a phone call yesterday, she has found an 'older singer' at a thrift store for $15.00, in a sewing table nonetheless. She snags it for me, I grab it today, and this is what I get:
1951 Centennial Model 128

Ain't she a beauty!!!  I don't know why, but I LOVE older sewing machines. I don't think I'd know what to do with a sewing machine that was made in the last 20 years. (I'm going to find out at tax time, maybe, I think, still flip flopping on that one).

She runs, I haven't tried her out yet, but D's Mom ran her at the store before she bought her and said the motor sounded fine. I'm waiting till I get Mini-Me home from school before I try her out.

Look at the bobbin!!!!!
I've never seen a bobbin like that!

D's Mom, wonder that she is, snagged all these feet too!  I've been looking them up on the interwebz to figure out what they are! (April 1930's - A Sewing Shoppe is a huge help!)

I can't wait to try her out. The sewing table is not as nice as the one I already have, I'll have to see if I can swap them out. Not sure if I want to do that. It is obviously not the original table, so it has been moved before. Ah, I'll let you know!

FWIW..... I've already named her, she is.....
                                 Godzilla!!!!   She looks like a Godzilla!

Till then......

What I'm doing this weekend.....

This weekend is all about girlchild#2 (or mini-me if you prefer).

Darling Daughter of mine had to have a futon 2 years ago. Would absolutely die if she didn't get one. So, the bunkbeds she and girlchild#1 shared for about a thousand years were history. After 2 years, what was once a comfortable futon has become, well, this:

I should make her clean up her room...

So, I believe I may have mentioned earlier that plans are in action to build her a platform bed. As finances are a bit nonexistent right now, we're doing it on the cheap. Luckily, D has several contacts who can scrounge me some pretty decent wood (they love me :))  

I'm not sure how I'm doing it, I think this may be a fly by the seat of my pants kind of project. Mini-me's only requirements are that it can be pushed up against the wall. (complaint #47 about futon) I'd like to do a trundle kind of thing so that when girlchild#1 is here, I can put her in there rather than sacking on the couch.  Not sure how that's going to work out though. Oh well, I'll figure something out.

On a related note, we have 2 huge entertainment stands. One is in Mini-Me's room, one in my junk-drawer. The one from Mini-Me's room is being taken apart and stashed in the attic until I can find a home for it, and the one from the junk-drawer is taking it's spot in Mini-Me's room.

So, hopefully it'll work out this way:
Friday - swap entertainment stands, take apart futon, scrub Mini-Me's floor (bulimic kitty lives under her futon), beef up her futon mattress with batting, stuffing, small animals, etc etc etc

Saturday - build monster platform bed from hell, get room back together, rearrange junk-drawer

Sunday - sleep, sleep, sleep

Stay tuned for updates!!

Till then...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Word of the Day #4

Get ready to jump around.....
       Today's word is......

I'm not going to bore everyone with my 'issues', but I've got a chronicish condition that makes me just damned uncomfortable and it's killing me today!!!!   No sympathy please, I bring it on myself more or less. Stress doesn't help it either.

So, no updates, no funny stuff, no nuffin. I just got used to posting everyday, didn't want to break my streak.

Till then...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Word of the Day #3

Drumroll please.....
     Today's word(s) is are ......
                         Get Off Your Ass!!!!
                                       (wiggle, flail, yip!)

I'm moving, really. I've already done the school thing, swept/dusted the living room, and boxed up the last (I think, I hope, cross your fingers) of the Halloween decorations. 

Today will consist of taking boxes up to attic, cleaning kitchen & bathroom, rearranging the junk drawer room (hopefully by the end of the day it will just be a ROOM). I'm trying to follow a few new rules:
  • I will not bring any more furniture into this place without swapping a piece out. We are now at full capacity.*
  • I will not start anymore projects (yule presents aside) unless my house is 'presentable'. Presentable being I would only be marginally embarrassed if someone dropped by.
  • Clean at least one room a day, two if they're small (see what I did there, they are all small!)
  *Bookshelves don't count as I don't have enough shelves for all my books. I'll figure something out as far as that goes.

That's it. I'm not going to set myself up for failure. Let's see how well I do with those. 

I have my thrift store box by the front door, I am slowly filling it. I figure its only fair, for as much as I get from those places, I should give some back (see, kinda following new rule #1). I am hoping after today I have atleast 2 boxes to drag out, if not more. (wish me luck!)

Ok, I'm not getting anything done. Gotta move....

Till then...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Facepalm #1

In keeping with today's WOTD (LAZY), I decided to do a little googling and see if I could find a green alternative to Liquid Sandpaper. I've never used it, been tempted, but I'm not thrilled about the chemicals.  Guess what I find......

Use regular sandpaper. ADUH... FACEPALM!

I guess I just look forward to sanding 14 more pieces of furniture. My arm is spaghetti at the thought.

I ended up taking a 2 hour nap, only interrupted twice. I don't know what my problem is today. I'm just blah. Someone needs to poke me. I'm going to go mainline some caffeine.

Till then...

Word of the Day #2

Boys, girls, random interwebz audience, today's word is LAZY.
                           (woo! dance! flail! wiggle!)

I cannot get motivated enough to do anything. Lists, I'm making lists. Lists of things that need cleaned. Things that need sewn. Things that need painted. People that need set on fire. Things that need gotten rid of. Things that need bought.

I've finally decided on fabric for the living room furniture. If I have my way, my furniture will all match coordinate in less than a week. Fleece. Not the luxurious, sophisticated look I had intended, but who am I fooling? I have kids, animals, drunken friends, D, Me, and Goddess only knows what else will end up on my furniture. I had an epiphany last night, the mismatched fleece has worked well the last couple of years, why not just get enough of one color to do all the furniture? It's comfortable, durable, and it'll work.

Now, in keeping with today's word. My headachy, tired a$$ is going to go take a nap. Maybe I'll be a better person when I wake up. (Now that's funny)

Till then,.,.,

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend Update #2

I guess I did get a little bit accomplished this weekend. Today I managed to:

  • Make tablecloth for side table in kitchen.
  • Paint & stencil bookshelf/dresser thingie from bedroom
  • Stenciled sewing chair, cut out cushion, not sure if I'm going through with it, I kinda like it without
  • Made dinner
  • Painted side table legs
  • Visit Momma's, walked out with 4 pillows, several scarves & shawls, candle holder, etc etc
  • Redid organ bench
  • Covered The Boy's headboard with camo fabric
  • watched movie with kiddos
I'm particularly proud of the shelf and the chair.
I love that lotus!

I'm keeping the 'antiqued' look

The stencil glue isn't dry yet, I couldn't wait!!!

Now, I'm sitting in my candlelit living room, alone, where it's quiet, drinking some wine. Relaxing. The kids are in bed, The Boy is even sleeping! I'm not moving until my glass is empty, and then I may just bring the bottle out here. Wanna see my view??

This is what I'm looking at. Maybe my living room isn't that bad.

Have a great night!

Till then...

I Need A Manly Man

So, have a question, and as I have no Y chromosome, I'm not qualified to answer.

My son's sleeping area (it's too small to call a room, maybe closet? pod? Yes, we go with pod.) His pod, then, is a smallish place, well, I'll show you:
Ignore the predator and the sleeping lump if you will.
I covered the headboard today with some camo fabric I scored in the remnant bin at JoAnn's. I have now mixed camouflage types. Is this acceptable? Because I have two other different camo prints that are destined to become pillows and other such items. I found a camo fleece at Dollar General that I'm toying with tacking on the wall/ceiling, kinda an army tent type look. The pod is so small, and the house is over-run with us double x chromosome types, I want him to have some small manly sanctuary.  This is how it looks now with the headboard covered:
The blue pillow will eventually be camo too
I guess in the end, it doesn't matter. I'm gonna mix the patterns. And I'm sure he'll love it. He's rather easyish to please. 

Oh well, till then...

Word of the Day #1

I think on random days, when I feel like, I'll designate a word of the day, much like Peewee Herman.

So, run, yell, flail your arms, do a little dance, whenever you hear....


It's that kind of day. Yesterday was ARGH, which always leads to ELASTIC.

Carry on.

Thank you very much Fry (you know how I am about designated nicknames, and you can't be just R). You've inspired this!  LOVE YOUR FACE!!!  Unless you can think of something much cooler. Than you can change it.

Weekend Update

I know, I'm bad, what with the SNL reference, but hey, I'm still on my first cup of coffee, live with it.

You know those days where you run, run, run and it seems like you don't stop at all, but you have absolutely nothing to show for it? I think I'm on day three in a row. Let's see, Friday.

  • Managed to get my kitchen curtains done (I'm happy with them), but mangled the tablecloth idea. I'm pretty sure my head was completely up my, well you know, when I was cutting the material. I'm 78% positive I can salvage that into a smaller version for the side table in the kitchen. I'm going to attempt that this afternoon.
  • Ended up bartending Friday night. My landlord owns a bar and the regular girl is on vacation, so I filled in. Everything I had planned got pushed back a day.
  • Scored at the bar (and not the way I did in my twenties! LOL) Walked out with four boxes of mismatched wine glasses, glass ashtrays and assorted candles. One of the guys that comes into the bar always leaves huge amounts of said items with Elena to use at the bar. Her office is 3/4 filled with the stuff and one "Any brandy snifters in there?" comment led to the four boxes in the back of the explorer! You should see the gorgeous black wine glasses that will not be converted to candle holders, but will be used by yours truly to suck back cheap wine!!
  • Overslept, substituted storebought cupcakes for the ones I had every intention of baking for The Boy's birthday party. Ugh. storebought. Yuck.
  • Stopped at one of the thrift stores near the bowling alley and scored a hugish picnic type basket, a poster frame, a shelf for the sewing corner, and material that matches my bedroom curtains! (JoAnn Fabrics, 4 years ago, 70% off after halloween, Blue costume silky stuff with black velvety stars and such! I haven't been able to find any since!!  I'm in heaven!)
  • Spent two hours at the bowling alley for The Boy's birthday party. Two hours with GirlChild#1, GirlChild#2, The Boy, The Boy's friend, The Ex, The Ex's new girl, The Ex's new girl's child, and The Ex's Mother. Went very well.
  • Ran home for twoish hours, made dinner, swapped shelves (metal shelf I was using in sewing corner is now in entranceway with rag rugs on it for shoes and such)
  • Took The Boy to party #2 where he only fell on his butt once (rollerskates) and during which I ran home, finished dinner, and ran back to get him
  • "Watched" Toy Story 3 with the kids, and by watch I mean, I painted the base of my kitchen table (finally!!), first coat with The Boy's help, beaded 3 candle holders (one for the kitchen, one for D's Mom, one for D's sister), painted another frame black, and started painting the sewing chair. Ended in me crying at the end of said movie, yes I'm a softie.
  • Fixed D's Mom's laptop (which I'm using now since D is hiding in the bedroom with ours, I'm sure I'll see it sometime tomorrow)
  • Sat at kitchen table with GirlChild#2 arguing about why we can't paint the top of the table as well. Let her smear paint on it (mind you, she's 15) and then wiped it right off. That led to the discussion of building her a platform bed. She has a futon right now, which she loved at first but.... So sometime in the next month (today if you ask her) we will be frankensteining her rather thinnish futon mattress and replacing the metal monstrosity of a frame with a rather inventive platform frame. I'm sure that will be a hilarious post!
  • During all of this, uploaded 107(!!!!!) HIGH RES pictures from bowling alley as Ex forgot his camera. (Don't even ask how long that took)
  • Finally crawled into bed about 2ish
  • Slept in till 11 freaking 30 dammit
  • Attempting to drink coffee, update the blog
Planning to:
  • Salvage side table tablecloth
  • finish painting sewing chair, then dream up some sort of cushion for my tender bottom (I'm spending alot of time there)
  • Finish organizing MiddleRoom/Junk Drawer
  • Manage to make my place some what cleanish
  • Find something to feed everyone
  • Run GirlChild#1 back to Girard
  • Go to Momma's and attempt the impossible
  • Cover The Boy's headboard with camo fabric (The headboard is a little dated/girlieish, I slept in that bed at my grandparents several times)
  • Drink atleast 4 pots of coffee
  • Redo the bench downstairs again, the fabric I used the first time is not hardy enough and I lose the staple gun today. If anyone's planning on getting me a Yule present, staple gun would be perfect!
Wish me luck, if I ever get my laptop back I'll throw some pics up.
Till then...