Monday, November 15, 2010

Six Days.....

The countdown begins!!

I have six days to get the abode presentable enough for The Girls.

My old standby, when I get in a funk, is to invite people to my house so I am properly shamed into getting stuff done.

About 8 years ago, the five of us would get together quite regularly (once a week), discuss things (ever see Practical Magic? It was kinda like Midnight Margaritas only without the ghost thing). Well, things happen, most of us lost touch (Not The Scot though, she & I are mad bestest sisters!!) and we went our separate ways.

A little while ago, four of us found each other on Facebook (oh that marvel of the digital age, but Damn It, I DON"T PLAY FARMVILLE. It's evil, it sucks you in), we checked out each others photos, chatted a tidge, but last night the fifth girl fell into place and WOOSH, we've got a reunion of sorts in the plan.

So, Saturday, my place, there will be wine, there will be laughing, maybe some crying, but if you are anywhere within a hundred or so miles of my place, and you're suddenly uncomfortable, but not sure why....  Well, that's probably us!

Luckily for D, he will be in the woods "hunting" (hmmmm. camp, guys, nearby bars. Every trip to camp consists of stories of The Oaks (not the trees, the bar, suitable name for a bar near hunting camps LOL)) He gets chills whenever The Scot and I get together, I'm not sure he's ready for all of us yet!

My Goals For This Week:

  • paint & stencil the tables in the living room.
  • one more floor cushion, maybe 4 more pillows for living room
  • six more mason jar luminaries for front steps (I have no lighting in entranceway/front steps)
  • decorations for wine glasses. I've never made wine glass charms, thought it'd be nice if everyone had a little sumfin sumfin to take home.
  • clean my place, twice
I'm excited!!!  Gonna go get started!!

Till then....

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)