Sunday, November 21, 2010

Word of the Day #11

Cue the dancing penguins.......

               Today's word(s) is (are)   Caught Up!!!
                                           ('s a parade!)
Over the last two days I have managed to:
  • Clean my kitchen
  • (Almost) organized my middle room
  • Cleaned my living room and got rid of one dvd shelf
  • (almost) cleaned my bathroom 
  • organized my TurkeyDay foodage
  • sew a festive type tablecloth for my coffee/dining table
  • make new pillows for Mini-Me
  • steal a cat (I think I posted about that already, she's doing great!)
  • paint 2 tables & touch up a third, all are back where they belong
  • make dinners
  • not drink the entire gallon of blackberry merlot in the fridge (maybe half but not all)
  • spray paint the hanging basket I scored at a junk store
  • rant rave and plot impending doom (I love how the holidays bring out the crazier in already crazy peeps)
  • avoid jail
  • got out of my Mom's house in record time (60 minutes FTW!!)
  • played with a circular saw
  • discovered I have NO business messing around with carpentry

I almost don't know what to do with myself!!  I have a short list of things to grab at the grocery store for Turkey Day, I have my list ready of things to do, things to bake and when. (Exactly why am I baking 4 pies for 6 people?) Which brings me to......

Any Veggie People out there?????  This is Mini-Me's first meat free Turkey Day. Gravy?????  How would gravy made from veggie broth taste?  Should I try, anyone have any suggestions??  For the record... she's not vegan, for what it's worth.

I have my lists, my plans, my plots. I'm debating whether or not to paint my coffee table (last remaining thing in living room to be painted) now or wait till after Turkey Day.

My plans for Thursday involve keeping everyone out of my too small kitchen and having dinner in the living room. I made cute tablecloths for my coffee table and trays. (My Dad will be happy on the couch anyway!) I really think I can pull this off. The kids (and me) love sitting on the floor cushions anyway so why fight it. I'll take lots of pics and post 'em, whether it worked or it's a fiasco! (Cross your various appendages!)

Well, I'm off to get into some sort of trouble!

Till then!

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)