Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Word of the Day #9

 (woot! flip! somersault! OW!)

We're off today. I have done absolutely nothing of merit.

I did however go visit a dear friend for awhile, caught up on some of the gossip from my ex-job (we divorced at the end of August. And trust me, this was more of a divorce than a career change.) Either way, it was very pleasant.

I spoke to OLCCS about 72 times. (Great big MWAH!!)

I layed in bed and watched Invader ZIM , oops, that should read Napped.

I read about making homemade heating pads. I'm going to make them too. More than likely tonight, after 1 more cup of coffee and I organize my kitchen & middle room.

I've got the muslin (for the liners), I've got perty scraps of fabric (for the case), I've got 5 pounds of uncooked regular rice and 2 boxes of kosher salt. I need one standard size one, 2 neck ones, and two largish ones. I also want to make sure I sew pockets on the inner bags for herb sachets as needed (definitely lavender, and others as needed.)

The only one I have right now is one of D's old tube socks stuffed with minute rice (you should not use minute rice, it is too dried out, gets too crunchy and potentially flamey). I was in a jam one night (double ear infection, when an emergency room prescribes you vicodin for an ear infection you know its bad!) and it was all I had on hand. Worked great.

brief window into reality......
Interrupting so you can know why I am terrified to get off the couch. Mini-me and The Boy are in the middle room, rolling on the floor, laughing so hard they can't stop, and just as one starts to stop, the other laughs harder, thus getting the other going.

I'm not exactly sure what started it, I believe Mini-Me startled The Boy which led to cries such as "You hit me in the face with the vacuum" and "Why aren't we recording this?" .

Welcome to my life.....

What was I talking about???  Oh, heating bags. Yeah, I'm making em. Just as soon as I'm comfortable enough to stop hiding. Wish me luck. If I stop updating this blog, please send help...

Till then...

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)