Sunday, January 29, 2012


Guess who can blog from her iPod?

No real point to this post, just trying it out. But as an added treat, how about a sneak peek of the purple kitchen?

Let's see how well this works...

Til then...

Peek peek peek...

What has two thumbs and forgot she had a blog?????  
                          This girl!!

I'm still here, still moving things around, tweaking things, working tons, buying too much at the thrift stores, etc. etc. etc.

What's been happening??  Well, my kitchen is purple and has a lava lamp. And a JANIS JOPLIN FIGURINE!!!!!

I now work doubles every Friday because I'm running the karaoke/drunk fest at the bar. (Bartend 3-9, HAS A MICROPHONE 9-1)

I've been keeping busy. Finally got a new laptop!!!  (Hence the blogging) I just couldn't sit at the desktop, it didn't work for me.

All my houseplants are still alive!  Go me!!!

What really brought me back to the blog is I'm starting an e-course. Becoming a Spiritual Nomad. I will be posting about that on here so here I am!  Registration is up until next Sunday so venture on over and take a look!!

I'll be back on here a lot more now. I'll even post pics of the purple kitchen! And the 407 other projects I have done over the last several months!

Till then......