Cast of Characters

My life is a complex thing. That has nothing to do with this, but I wanted to get that out there.

Ok, I hate referring to people by their real names on the internet, I'm odd. So, if all the nicknames confuse you, here's a smallish cheat sheet:

  • Me- well, I'm the nut responsible for all of this. It's my dreams, and sometimes nightmares that end up on this blog for all the interweb audience to read. I'm odd, poor, thrifty, crazed, sarcastic, I exaggerate, I binge, I have a short attention span, among other things. I come across as mean, and I don't mean to, but I'm actually uncomfortable. I  can be the nicest, funniest person when I'm comfortable, but if I'm not, sorry. My interests are as diverse as my moods. If I like you I'll do anything for you. If I don't, hide. I can be spiteful, petty and vindictive, although I'm trying to get away from that. I know I can be a better person and I'm trying.
  • GirlChild#1 - my oldest daughter. At the beginning of this blog (Oct 2010) she's 16. She's sensitive, shyish, smart, scared, and a bunch of other things that start with s and maybe a few other letters. She lives with her father in Girard. She had problems at the city high school, so we moved her out there where the school is much smaller and more comfortable for her. She is a wonderful girl and of course I love her very much. It's as if my personality were completely cut in half and each given to one child. So, if she got all this, the next one got the crazy stuff.
  • GirlChild#2 (mini-me) - Wow. Twisted, crazy, stubborn, if she had money we could call her eccentric. At the beginning of the blog, she is 15. She really is me. Just read my bio, and there she is. Except her hair is longer, to her bottom and she has no intention of cutting it. She's funny, much funnier than me. 
  • The Boy - at the start of the blog, he had just turned 10. While the girls are from my first marriage, he is the only child of my second. He's the boy. If you can manage to pry the laptop/game controller from his hand he's pretty cool. Has a fierce competitive streak though. He's a bit of brat, what with being the baby when he's with me, and the only child when he's with his father. Maybe just a tad (and a tad being a hell of an awful lot) spoiled, but still a great kid. He bounces back and forth between The Ex and I. When I was working it wasn't as much as it should have been, but now it seems like 4-5 days here, 4-5 days there. We have a flexible (meaning we never know what week to week) and amicable arrangement. 
  • D - the significant other. He works everyday, doing 3 or 4 different things. He's a bit younger than me, but what the hell. He's a hunter, a fisher, a drinker, a smartass, a pain in the ass, a mechanic, he can pretty much do anything. We have a bizarre relationship. It's beyond description, but it works.
  • OLCCS- my sister, Our Lady of the Color Coordinated Socks. She's described in the first post, and I'm not gushing like that again.
  • Momma - my Mother. Wonderful wonderful lady, also described well in first post.
  • D's Mom - well, D's Mom
  • D's sister - see D's Mom, but substitute sister for Mom
  • Fry - My BESTEST BEST FRIEND EVER. We've been best friends since third grade and I love her dearly. She's the Yin to my Yang, the Rum to my Coke. That nickname may be changed soon, I'll come up with something wittier. She is my everything, we even have a song or two. I love her face, I wish she lived closer. She migrated to North Carolina (miles away from dreary Northwest Pennsyltuckey) after college. We don't talk as much as we should, but she's still my bestest everything.
  • Tweety - the sewing machine shangaied from D's sister after mine died.
  • The Beast - my old sewing machine
  • Thing 1 & Thing 2 - the chairs I guinea pigged on when I started painting the furniture. Oddly enough I ran into Things 3,4,5,&6 at a thrift store and even in good shape they were kinda ugly. Almost bought them but why would I need 11 chairs? My apartment is only about 12 square feet. 
  • Godzilla - my 1951 Model 128 Singer sewing machine. I love her! Found by D's Mom at a thrift store. I have a feeling she is the machine that starts my obsession with collecting older sewing machines.
That should be all mentioned so far.