Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shameless Post to Win A Giveaway

So, I'm browsing through the 470 or so blogs I'm following, and Of Peacocks And Paisleys has a giveaway for a chance at a $45 gift card at CSN. I have fallen in love with so many items, it's not funny. One of the entries is blogging about it, and since there are so many must-haves, and not so many moneys-in-bank, I'm going for it!

So, suffer through my wish-list, and if you must, buy me stuff. It's ok, really.

Tea Light Holder - want want want!!! They also have it in straw, I can't decide which color I want. This hour, I'm leaning towards Straw!

I have a few Kwan Yins, I do not have a Sitting Kwan Yin yet. I need one, really.

Really horrible pic, but they have mouse over on the bigger, couldn't link it. Thousand Arm Kwan Yin Bamboo Blinds are beautiful! Another must!

There is tons more I want, on one hand I want to win the gift certificate, on the other, how broke am I going to go buying everything else on the website???

1 comment:

I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)