Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend Update

I know, I'm bad, what with the SNL reference, but hey, I'm still on my first cup of coffee, live with it.

You know those days where you run, run, run and it seems like you don't stop at all, but you have absolutely nothing to show for it? I think I'm on day three in a row. Let's see, Friday.

  • Managed to get my kitchen curtains done (I'm happy with them), but mangled the tablecloth idea. I'm pretty sure my head was completely up my, well you know, when I was cutting the material. I'm 78% positive I can salvage that into a smaller version for the side table in the kitchen. I'm going to attempt that this afternoon.
  • Ended up bartending Friday night. My landlord owns a bar and the regular girl is on vacation, so I filled in. Everything I had planned got pushed back a day.
  • Scored at the bar (and not the way I did in my twenties! LOL) Walked out with four boxes of mismatched wine glasses, glass ashtrays and assorted candles. One of the guys that comes into the bar always leaves huge amounts of said items with Elena to use at the bar. Her office is 3/4 filled with the stuff and one "Any brandy snifters in there?" comment led to the four boxes in the back of the explorer! You should see the gorgeous black wine glasses that will not be converted to candle holders, but will be used by yours truly to suck back cheap wine!!
  • Overslept, substituted storebought cupcakes for the ones I had every intention of baking for The Boy's birthday party. Ugh. storebought. Yuck.
  • Stopped at one of the thrift stores near the bowling alley and scored a hugish picnic type basket, a poster frame, a shelf for the sewing corner, and material that matches my bedroom curtains! (JoAnn Fabrics, 4 years ago, 70% off after halloween, Blue costume silky stuff with black velvety stars and such! I haven't been able to find any since!!  I'm in heaven!)
  • Spent two hours at the bowling alley for The Boy's birthday party. Two hours with GirlChild#1, GirlChild#2, The Boy, The Boy's friend, The Ex, The Ex's new girl, The Ex's new girl's child, and The Ex's Mother. Went very well.
  • Ran home for twoish hours, made dinner, swapped shelves (metal shelf I was using in sewing corner is now in entranceway with rag rugs on it for shoes and such)
  • Took The Boy to party #2 where he only fell on his butt once (rollerskates) and during which I ran home, finished dinner, and ran back to get him
  • "Watched" Toy Story 3 with the kids, and by watch I mean, I painted the base of my kitchen table (finally!!), first coat with The Boy's help, beaded 3 candle holders (one for the kitchen, one for D's Mom, one for D's sister), painted another frame black, and started painting the sewing chair. Ended in me crying at the end of said movie, yes I'm a softie.
  • Fixed D's Mom's laptop (which I'm using now since D is hiding in the bedroom with ours, I'm sure I'll see it sometime tomorrow)
  • Sat at kitchen table with GirlChild#2 arguing about why we can't paint the top of the table as well. Let her smear paint on it (mind you, she's 15) and then wiped it right off. That led to the discussion of building her a platform bed. She has a futon right now, which she loved at first but.... So sometime in the next month (today if you ask her) we will be frankensteining her rather thinnish futon mattress and replacing the metal monstrosity of a frame with a rather inventive platform frame. I'm sure that will be a hilarious post!
  • During all of this, uploaded 107(!!!!!) HIGH RES pictures from bowling alley as Ex forgot his camera. (Don't even ask how long that took)
  • Finally crawled into bed about 2ish
  • Slept in till 11 freaking 30 dammit
  • Attempting to drink coffee, update the blog
Planning to:
  • Salvage side table tablecloth
  • finish painting sewing chair, then dream up some sort of cushion for my tender bottom (I'm spending alot of time there)
  • Finish organizing MiddleRoom/Junk Drawer
  • Manage to make my place some what cleanish
  • Find something to feed everyone
  • Run GirlChild#1 back to Girard
  • Go to Momma's and attempt the impossible
  • Cover The Boy's headboard with camo fabric (The headboard is a little dated/girlieish, I slept in that bed at my grandparents several times)
  • Drink atleast 4 pots of coffee
  • Redo the bench downstairs again, the fabric I used the first time is not hardy enough and I lose the staple gun today. If anyone's planning on getting me a Yule present, staple gun would be perfect!
Wish me luck, if I ever get my laptop back I'll throw some pics up.
Till then...

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)