Thursday, November 4, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I got over to D's sisters the other day and grabbed Tweety, let me tell you, she sews like a champ!!

I made the mistake of stopping at Sally's (Salvation Army, for those who don't know) on the way back. It's amazing how four little letters can change your day. What four letters you ask??  S-A-L-E! Yes, sale, at a thrift store!

As soon as I walked in the door, I saw this:
Covered with frickin contact paper!!!! Argh!
Sweet little sign on it says.... BUY TODAY FOR .49!  Must take today! As soon as I get the FREAKIN' contact paper off of it, and get it painted and stenciled I'll be able to swap it for the end table to match the one in my bedroom.

I also scored:
  • sewing basket
  • 2 hugeish bags of fabric
  • 2 frames
  • 1 bean bag pillow
All for under $15. The basket has already been fixed up:

Even has a handle now!
And it's pretty on the inside too!

I can't believe some of the fabric in those bags! Big time score! I have already made 2 pillows for D's Mom, a bag for Mantha and 7 pillows for me, including 2 floor cushions!

I've also been moving around the middle room (junk drawer) and I've got a sewing corner going on. I even went so OCD as to cover a bunch of boxes with fabric so my shelves are not only cluttered, but prettily cluttered. I'll add pics to picasa as soon as I get it finished.

I've got a list of things I must do within the next week as long as my arm. I scored the perfect fabric for my kitchen this morning, so new curtains and tablecloths are at the top of the list! Pictures will follow! I'm also going to redo the bench. After D coming home with grease/diesel/uck covered items and then touching my bench, I have discovered I need sturdier fabric on there. Luckily, such items just happened to be in the fantastic grab bags of fabric that I got from Sally's! :)

I've been organizing my attic whenever I get a chance. I'm toying around with the idea insulating up there and making myself a mom cave. I was reading this post over at Thrifty Decor Chick, and since I'm destined to win the gift card that'll be a nice start. It'd be nice to have a whole room to myself! I've just got to talk to D about electricity though. I don't mess with that stuff!

Ok, I'm off to be domestic.

Till then...

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)