Saturday, October 30, 2010


We moved into the apartment in October of 2007. There was a fair amount of furniture left here, none of it in fabulous condition, it ranged from just downright icky to I can live with it. Seeing as every single piece of furniture we own is either hand-me-down/garage sale/thrift store most of this stuff fit right in! (I take that back, I do have some brand new items, 4 shelf/basket thingies I bought at Family Dollar and put together, but other than that...) We gave away about half and kept the rest. D and I ended up using the bedroom set (gave away the mattresses... I have a thing about that) the rest of it ended up stashed and I haven't thought of it till about 2 weeks ago. I ended up with:

  • 3 kitchen chairs - paint covered, icky
  • 1 picture frame (19x23) beat-up stained wood
  • bedroom set (2 dressers, mirror, beat-up nightstand)
  • filing cabinet
  • 2 large dresser mirrors
  • organ bench
 The bedroom set we used right away, that was in the best shape. The best of the 3 chairs (dark wood stained, no cushion) we've been using as my desk chair. Everything else got stuffed in either the attic or the girl's closet. So, 2 weeks ago I ventured into my attic,armed with nothing but a flashlight and a whip and pulled down the chairs that I promptly  named Thing 1 and Thing 2. They are very similar to my kitchen chairs so when I got the urge to paint them I decided to guinea pig on Things 1&2. (They came out gorgeous!! But that's another post).

Since pulling all my goodies out of the attic and various other hidey holes it has all been piled in the corner of my middle room. Picture if you will all my sewing/candle making/painting/beading paraphernalia in one scary pile and  it has been driving me CRAZY. Out of the blue I remembered the filing cabinet in the girl's closet and I rejoiced!  In the course of getting the filing cabinet I came across the frame and the mirrors so that turned into getting some of my stuff organized (1 filing cabinet is not enough) and painting the frame black and figuring out where I'm hanging the mirror!

I have been going crazy at and do not have the money to buy as many frames as I now need. Luckily the frame is the perfect size for one of the pictures I printed for the kitchen. So I slapped some black paint on her and here she is:

The picture was lovingly snagged from Dianne Sylvan's Deviant Art. Not only one of my favorite authors but one of my favorite artists!!

I'm thinking the mirror is going to end up in the bathroom, so that'll end up painted blue. I'm thinking of making up a vanity thing for the bathroom and I think that mirror would be perfect.
I am dead sexy in my jammies!! And no, I do not have enough pictures on my fridge!
Trust me, it will end up in my B&A eventually. Maybe I'll even dress up for that picture!

Till then...

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)