Friday, October 29, 2010

B & A #1

Here's the monster that started my furniture painting craze:
Bunk bed ladder scavenged from my Mother's basement.
I was blog-jumping and found this at Apartment Therapy. Since my kitchen is just a tad larger than a bread box and cabinet space is not very accommodating I thought I'd try it.  I wasn't comfortable with hanging it from the ceiling so...

There it is, all shiny and perty, hanging from the door to the basement. Instead of the traditional chain, I braided some hemp string and hung her up. I still haven't gotten to the store to get s-hooks so for right now she's just a very large, very perty towel rack:
No, it's not a Halloween thing, my "theme" is black cats & kitchen witches.

I have absolutely no intention of ever hanging this from the ceiling, so I'm debating on whether or not to get screw in hooks or stick with s-hooks. I flip-flop on this atleast 3 times a day. Whenever I make up my mind I'll get the hooks and finish the project. At this rate, I'll be able to pay for them with my social security check!

The black on the ladder looked so nice and apparently was contagious, it spread to 6 kitchen chairs (complete with recovered seats), 2 shelves, an organ bench (which now resides in my entranceway) and quite possibly will continue to spread to every single piece of  wooden furniture in my apartment. Stencils will follow, I guarantee it. My guinea pig on that will be the trunk in my bedroom.

That'll find it's way to a Before and After sooner or later.

Till then...

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)