Sunday, October 31, 2010

Surprise & Update!!!!!

Drumroll please!!  Do you know what this is??
It's driving you nuts, you're salivating with anticipation, aren't ya??
Admire all the silverish beauty on the back of this miracle.  This, (are you ready?) this, ladies and gentlemen, this is a FIVE DOLLAR 16X20 POSTER FRAME FROM FAMILY DOLLAR!!!!! Yes, you read that right a mere $5.00 will get you that surprisingly sturdy poster frame from Family Dollar. Who needs a footlong sub from subway when you could get that frame!!!! (Can you tell I'm excited???  Maybe just a tidge, I'll admit it.) So, I ran right home, and only after doing the next surprise, I framed yet another special. This one is an enlarged Tarot Card (The Moon).

While we still have a drumroll going on (and this is costing me good money, but the situation is well worth it) I FINISHED the pot rack. D's mother, blessed woman that she is, sent over 4 hooks she found at Dollar Tree (I believe they were intended as coat hooks) and they work! I hit Dollar Tree this morning but alas, they had no more. I was told they are a sporadic item, I was out of luck. I tried Valu Home Center and got a pack of 3 hooks, these are silver, but they'll work.
Who'd have thought something so small could give me so much pleasure?? (And please, I know the obvious jokes going through your minds, I just snorted a bit of my coffee typing that!! LOL)
So, it's done!!  After hanging my cookware on it, I have come to the conclusion I must scrub the bottoms of my pots and pans much better. So I got the steel wool out, scrubbed, scrubbed and scrubbed some more and here it is!!!

Well, I'm off to be domestic! Got that mirror painted, deciding whether or not I want to stencil it.

Till then...

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)