Friday, October 29, 2010

What am I doing??

I did it, finally. I'm attempting to keep a blog. Is that even how I'm supposed to say it. Oh well, whatever. I'm not really sure what is going to end up on here. I know what I like reading, I guess that's one place to start. I guarantee there will be no rhyme or reason to what ends up on here. Links, rants, twisted drops of wisdom that leap from my children's mouths (that's some funny shit) blah, blah, blah.

I've been in a home improvement fugue state for a few weeks now so instead of putting the updates on Facebook, it'll end up here. I've been filling up my camera with before and after pictures, those will end up here too. Partially my incessant need for praise, partially to get my sister's opinions (my sister hereafter shall be referred to as Our Lady of the Color-Coordinated Socks or OLCCS for short). Don't get me wrong, I love her dearly, she's fantastic!!  OLCCS is my younger sister (I'm the oldest, she's the baby, and for good measure, my mother threw in 2 boys between us). She is smart, funny, compassionate and she is the one to point out "You can't wear those socks with that shirt, they don't match" (I believe this is a word for word quotation of something she said to our mother once). Therefore, she is the Right Brain to my Left Brain. I get fantastical ideas, and to make sure they are actually down to earth enough to work, I go to her. Also, her office blocks Facebook, but I'm pretty sure she can get this on her office computer!! LOL What matters the most is how much I respect her opinion.

So, I'm off to paint something, then figure out what to put on here next.

 Till then...


  1. awe, thanks!! you are too funny!! It's very possible that that quote is word for word, red socks and a purple shirt are coming to mind :)


I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)