Monday, November 1, 2010


Have you ever had an idea, it looked fabulous in your head, you think on it and think on it, and you're convinced it's going to work out even better than you imagine?  I did, and it didn't.

My living room furniture has survived 3 kids, 2 cats and D. Needless to say, I'm surprised it's still standing, much less not looking as good as I want it to. For the last couple of years I have just draped whatever blanket, fleece or afghan has caught my eye and it's been functional. I have managed to hide most of the cat's handiwork, but it just doesn't look good.

I am not a fan of storebought slipcovers, it all seems like granny stuff. Let me get my plastic covers before you sit on that 7 inch flower design and ruin it...  Over the years I have looked for material to recover the furniture and if something has caught my eye, it's been about $12.00/yard which is entirely out of my price range. So I have a few choices,  (a) everyone I know and half who don't know me can send me small gift cards for JoAnn Fabrics and I can buy what I want, (b)I can hope to luck into a fantastic sale, (c) I can settle for something that's affordable but I hate it, (d) I can live with the mismatched fleece/blanket/afghan look, (e) I can hit the Powerball and buy whatever I want (f) this is way more than a few choices, I'm quitting, you get the idea.

Ok, point of this post, I'm getting to it, really. I lucked into 4 yards of Navy Panne and thought, Wow, that would work great!!   I love panne (for those of you who aren't sure, it's the crushed velvet looking stuff, if it was a skirt, Stevie Nicks would wear it, sumptuous, wonderful, almost erotic); I would roll around nekked in the stuff forever if I could get away with it. Well, I'll tell you, what looked fabulous in my head, and passable this morning, looks hideous now! I put it on the love seat and it's horrid.

What gets me is there was a light at the end of the tunnel and it's gone. I'm bummed. I suppose I'll find something fantastic to do with the fabric and that'll make me feel better. And eventually I'll find the material I'm supposed to for the furniture and it'll be perfect. I think what's killing me is the bedroom, kitchen and bath are looking great. I think I'm doing pretty good in those rooms. The middle room is my catchall/multi-purpose/everything, I guess you could say it's my junk drawer, just on an entire-room-basis, so it's supposed to be ugh. But nothing is happening in the living room and it's driving me nuts.

Oh well, enough venting. If you made it to the end of the post, congratulations! Not too many people sit through all of my rants. I'm off to destroy something!

Till then...

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)