Sunday, February 27, 2011

Word of the Day #18

(start the light show.....)
     Today's word is.......
        (random rejoicing, inappropriate dancing, carry on....)

Now that my place is more or less clean (I would be slightly embarrassed if you walked in right now, but it's bearable), it's time to touch up/change/revamp some things around here.

Pretty high up on the list is making new curtains for the middle room shelves, however sewing is not permitted right now according to Hostage Kitty:

You shall not pass (or get into your sewing boxes)
All of that black canvas I found for the Media Center From Hell is going to become embellishment for the shelves. I've got the stencil and paint out to throw on some lotus(es?) I'm pretty excited about that.  I should have enough left over to make a slipcover for the BRAND NEW SEWING MACHINE!!!!  (woohoo!!) Yes, I broke down and bought a new sewing machine. Tweety has gone back to live with D's sister. I have yet to name her, but it'll happen.

I've got a pile of lists going on here, To Clean, To Paint, To Sew, Must Do Today, it's rather geeky, but it helps. Tops today is getting my kitchen organized, the pantry is a mess, the fridge even worse. I'm pretty sure today is being devoted entirely to the kitchen and bath.

I better stop procrastinating and attend to my lists.....

Till then...


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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)