Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cosmic 2x4

Every once in a while the Powers That Be decide I'm not paying attention and that I need the equivalent of a 2x4 to the back of my head.  I am a firm believer in signs, there's always something behind a coincidence.

I'm not going to get into the whole long, sordid story. Hell, I wasn't even there for the original drama. All I know is somehow I got sucked into an argument that never should have happened in the first place and only through some sort of incomprehensible drunken logic am I involved now. Or rather, I am removing myself from it.

Either way, it affected me way more than it should have. When I found out what was going on this morning I was rather shaky, twitchy, ready to take my frustrations out on the first person who looked at me. I have been trying so hard lately not to get that way. I don't enjoy feeling that way, and I know no one around me likes it either. I'm rather proud of myself, rather than freakin' & geekin' and starting World War III, I limited myself to one text message, instructing villian #1 to leave me out of said situation and to lose my number.(So I may have thrown in a few choice curse words, but I was upset.)

Rather than pace my house like some sort of caged animal, I got out, ran my errands, and like I usually do when I'm upset I cruised the thrift stores. Now mind you, in all my years of frequenting thrift stores, I have never seen any sort of religious statuary other than the usual Christian ones and the occasional Kwan Yin (which I always scarf up). I'm wandering around, thinking marginally good thoughts and this little brightly colored fella catches my eye:

Ganesha!! Hindu deity, sometimes known as Remover of Obstacles, Lord of Beginnings, Lord of Obstacles, Deva of intellect and wisdom among other things.  (Go ahead, Google him, I am not that well versed in Hindu Theology, I had to when I got home!) I couldn't help but smile when I saw him.

I like to think that He's a sign I'm headed in the right direction. That the decisions I made today to cut certain emotional ties, while strengthening others is the best thing for me right now. That if I am to continue evolving myself into a healthier person, spiritually, emotionally and physically, then I am on the right path.

I can think of a hundred different cliches that I could put here, but I'm going to spare you. I'm off to evolve some more now.

Till then...

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I was going to put something witty here, demanding your praise, ideas, input or much appreciated criticism here, but you know what to do. And if you make me cry, I'll have to flog you with soggy items. (unless its funny, I appreciate funny)