Sunday, January 29, 2012


Guess who can blog from her iPod?

No real point to this post, just trying it out. But as an added treat, how about a sneak peek of the purple kitchen?

Let's see how well this works...

Til then...

Peek peek peek...

What has two thumbs and forgot she had a blog?????  
                          This girl!!

I'm still here, still moving things around, tweaking things, working tons, buying too much at the thrift stores, etc. etc. etc.

What's been happening??  Well, my kitchen is purple and has a lava lamp. And a JANIS JOPLIN FIGURINE!!!!!

I now work doubles every Friday because I'm running the karaoke/drunk fest at the bar. (Bartend 3-9, HAS A MICROPHONE 9-1)

I've been keeping busy. Finally got a new laptop!!!  (Hence the blogging) I just couldn't sit at the desktop, it didn't work for me.

All my houseplants are still alive!  Go me!!!

What really brought me back to the blog is I'm starting an e-course. Becoming a Spiritual Nomad. I will be posting about that on here so here I am!  Registration is up until next Sunday so venture on over and take a look!!

I'll be back on here a lot more now. I'll even post pics of the purple kitchen! And the 407 other projects I have done over the last several months!

Till then......

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm Back!!! (Again...)

I know it's been awhile, but my electronics mutinied and it's been awful.   After the strain of three, sometimes four people sharing the laptop, she died. No Bootable Media were her last words. I cried, only because I haven't backed anything up for the last month or so. Oh well, live and learn.

Our desktop was painfully slow. In the time it took to load a webpage you could make a pot of coffee, drink two cups, colonize a third-world country, find a cure for cancer, clean your house, raise a family and go on vacation. Luckily for me a friend of mine, ubergeek that he is, had two or three extra towers just sitting around his house so he gave me one. (Fantastic, charitable fellow, this is the guy who plays at the bar every other week, only accepting donations for the Second Harvest Food Bank of NW Pennsylvania. Great big standing ovation for Marty O'Connor please!!  And not to short change the rest of the guys, a myriad of extremely talented musicians accompany him whenever possible, which is most of the time. I'm horrible at names boys but The Unprofessionals are incredible too!!)

I'm trying to put a positive spin on this. I spend more time doing things now that I'm chained to the desk again. No more funny looking imprints on my thighs from having the laptop on there for days at a time.I've got a few things accomplished, a hundred more ideas on my to-do list and a relatively clean house.

And since it's a beautiful day, I'm off to get some stuff done so I have entertaining posts for you guys!!

Till then...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Here I Am!!

I can't believe it's been a month already! Sorry to disappear like that, but the desktop finally died, and four people sharing one laptop really doesn't work that well!!

I've kept busy, in addition to the usual upkeep around here, I've been slaving away in the attic. I am getting closer to having my meditation 'room'. There is alot of work that needs done up there. So far I have organized my crap and I've gotten 15 boxes of crap to donate to my nephew's rummage sale (and I'm only halfway through the abode).

I'm working on a few sketches, one showing the layout of the attic and what is there now, and one showing how my sanctuary will look when all is said and done! A few teaser pictures.....

The dormer that is going to be my meditation spot. Picture scarves, curtains, cushions. groovy lights.
 Due to lack of funds and such, for now I'm stapling window plastic everywhere to insulate a tidge, but mostly so that the hundred years or so of dirt stays off of my curtains and scarves and such. I absolutely lurve the 2 windows in attic, they're on hinges and open like little hobbit doors! The one in the picture has no glass in it. Until recently it was covered by a board, I have it wrapped in plastic for now (I have to open it for a breeze so my laundry dries faster!) and will have a friend put glass in it for me soonish.

I am on a mission to find rugs, curtains, anything really I can drape the walls in. I have had the best luck finding stuff at the the thrift stores! I even found some chairs for up there. I love half price day!!! I was only going to buy two of them, but I couldn't break up a happy family so I bought all four, for $20!

I'm definitely recovering the cushions, maybe painting them black.
 I've got my 'laundry area' going on. 50 feet of clothes line, 2 racks, 2 fans and 2 windows are working great!
The boards under the plastic are to 'bird-proof', story to follow!

I love how the attic is 'pre-sectioned' by the chimneys, I have the clothes line hung in the back of the attic (front of the house though) so that you don't have to duck underneath clothes to get to the sanctuary part.

On the 'must-do' list for the attic, in no particular order:
  • plastic and cover the walls
  • put in some outlets (right now my juice is coming from those delightful screw-in additions to the ceiling lights)
  • sand and paint floors (replace a few missing floor-boards too!)
  • curtains for storage access
  • build closet type thingie 
Over the next few weeks, between garage sales and thrift stores, hopefully I can scrounge enough curtains, fabric, rugs and such to get most of it done. Later in the week I'll get more pics up.

I've also been going a bit crazy with the plants. I went from no plants at all to about 12 so far. Not counting the ones I've started! I can definitely feel a difference in the place since I've got more green! All but 4 are hanging now, the plants do much better when the cats aren't treating them as salad bars. Even my Niblet is coming back very nicely!

She was touch and go for awhile, but much better now!

Later this week I'll have more up. Atleast three, the attic, the plants, and the Bird story. I better get motivated now, it's Spring Break so the kids are home, and I've got to be to work soon!

Till then...

Friday, March 18, 2011

This Is Why I Have To Stop Reading Blogs.....

Today's MUST DO!!!!!

I so have to put a hold on all my blog reading. Here I am, wallowing through the lists of things I need to accomplish before next Saturday, I sit down to take a break , open up Google Reader and first post I see has these pictures...

And I start thinking, THE ATTIC!!!!   All that untapped living area!!!  Goddess knows I have the material, I have the furniture, I have the poles and such. Why can't I start small? MEDITATION 'ROOM'!!!

I can see it oh so perfectly in my head! The tent, the cushions, the lights, the candles. Want, want want!!

It is taking every bit of self control I have to not call off work today and start immediately!!!  I can't do it. I will go to work, make lots of money and then go completely crazy redoing my attic!!!

In my head the meditation room comes out beautifully and D completely lurves the idea and it's not a huge fight when I say, ever so slyly, 'Can't you just imagine our bedroom up here??'  And life is beautiful!

Ok, off to work. Have a great day!!!

Till then...